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Kalypso v14 load show issue:

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 13 Aug 2006

Has anyone seen this problem with v14.01: when I go and "load show" from the frame drive that I saved previously, it loads 2 user and suite prefs. If I "load show" from the hard drive or my stick it loads fine. The only fix I found was to "choose load" if loading from the frame. Not sure if this is a known bug or not.

User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 8 Oct 2006
I've had a similar thing happen but it was on v12. I don't really know why or how, but I think it was because somehow two copies of the suite and user prefs (and eng. prefs in my case) had gotten saved into my show file, and they had slightly different names. Try this: Use an FTP program other than the menu app to browse the frame hard drive. Open up your show file (it's really just a folder). See if there are two suite prefs and user prefs. If so, delete one set of them. Again, I have no clue why this happens, but it used to happen to me about once a month on v12. Since we upgraded to v14 it hasn't happened, so maybe it's not really the same issue you're having! Hope some of that helps. ~nate