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gvg4k timelines with lance and abekas

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Justin Jaquays
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the gvg3k i use at my news station is NOT equipped with a dnf/lance protocol, thus i roll all my animations manually and use an external dve routed through the switcher as a crosspoint.

so no periph triggers what so ever.

it looks like i may be doing a basketball gig on a gvg4k and it will come with a lance box and abekas dveous.

is there a basic timeline setup i could use as a blueprint and then modify it for different animations/dve fx? i am not familiar with timelines but i do acknowledge that i will need them for sports tding.

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Justin Jaquays

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Joined: 14 Jun 2007
Justin, Most "sports" timelines are undercuts while DDR effect is full screen. Following is a good blueprint to create and modify when needed: KF1: source holds on PGM and PST busses KF2: Trigger DDR Play, Cut DDR Key on KF3: Dummy KF for undercut timing purposes KF4: Execute cut between PGM and PST KF5: Dummy KF for timing purposes KF6: Cut DDR key off KF7: Trigger DDR Recue Hope this info helps. :cool:
Dan Berger
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Justin, this is what I usually do for a Basketball game on a 3/4K. I don't layer ME1, unless the bug box goes down, & I need to key the game clock. ME1 - Split screen, & other extra stuff ME2 - Replay ME, key1=CG1, key2=network banding (if needed) ME3 - Game camera cuts, key1=CG1, key2=Bug Box P/P - DSK1=Telestrator if there is one, with a Xpoint Hold in case it goes down, I can punch black and not interrupt any timelines, DSK2=black when not in use, and changes in my timelines to FF, DVE, EVS, or whatever it's used for in that time line, at the end of every timeline, it goes back to black. Also I do the shot clock (play clock for football) in DSK2 (either DVE or positioned somehow). If I need CG2 in ME3, I just change key1 or key2 as needed. Most production teams don't use CG2 too often, so it's usually not a big deal. If you aren't comfortable, tell them, & they will just use CG1 unless you pre-plan it, or aren't using the Box, or whatever. IF the Bug Box goes down, and you need to also supply the game clock, ME1 goes into Layered mode, you will just need the Box (or CG2 if that's where the box is now coming from) & the game clock positioned & masked for your 2 keyers. That now becomes key2 in ME3. You should always have this as a back-up (I should listen to my own advice, cause I rarely have the backup, and have sat there scrambling at the last second trying to get it ready). There are MANY other posts in this forum on how to set up for sports, and we all learned extra ideas & such from this forum. Do a search, and you will find lots of set-ups, all fairly similar, but each person has a little extra something. Enjoy! --- Dan
Justin Jaquays
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User offline. Last seen 9 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
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ok, perhaps an avant garde idea. some one posted on this site a while back about layering most of the keys on an m/e and then downsteaming that particular me on pgm/pst, or using that layered m/e on another m/e as a key---say you cut the game on m/e3 and key 1 would be the layered m/e1 so is this something that is done in sports? or for a gvg4k should you stick to something like this: dsk1=tele dsk2=lance me3 key 1=fox box(or equivalent) key 2=chyrons

Justin Jaquays

Bob Ennis
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What you will 1st need to do is to set the individual peripheral address of the machines at your lance & for the dveous. These numbers are between 0 & 15...it doesn't matter what numbers you use, just use numbers for each device that will make sense to you. But make sure that the protocol is the same for all devices, as the 4K only has 1 protocol setting for all of its PBus addresses. At the 4K, you will need to go to the Periph Devices menu under the CONFIG Setup. Here you will set up the protocol for your devices, and will set up triggers for each device. You will only have 8 triggers, so don't go overboard...Obviously START or RUN FWD will be important, as well as STOP and/or RECUE. Which trigger does what on each of the devices is normally found in the User Manual of the device (not the switcher). I believe that you will also set up which level controls the Periph in this area of the menu. You might want to think about controlling the dveous via CPL rather than PBus. Personally, I set up the dveous to do both - that way I use the CPL to store the recall at the switcher level, while the PBus does the triggering. When you go to learn an E-MEM, you will see a sub-menu labeled something like Peripheral Devices or External Devices. In this menu you will see the 16 different addresses again. If you want to set your dveous to recall effect #12 when you recall your e-mem, then call up effect 12 on the dveous, turn ON the recall on the device address that you've given to the dveous, and learn your E-MEM. In doing this, the switcher sends a LEARN command out to the device & the device will remember its currently selected effect number the next time the switcher sends out the RECALL command when that e-mem is selected. Remember that this LEARN command only happens when you LEARN an e-mem - I used to change effect numbers & do a LEARN/MOD to reassign the LEARN command, but I've had mixed results with this. The 2nd KF of the effect is typically where you attach TRIGGERS. Go to the PBus Trigger sub-menu in the E-MEM (or possibly the Timeline) menu. Here you'll see triggers 1-8. These are the same triggers that you programmed in the CONFIG menu. Turn on the trigger(s) that you want to fire off at the keyframe & INSERT this as KF 2 (or MOD it if you already have KF 2 there). You may want to add a STOP or RECUE command as KF 3 to get you ready for the next effect. Remember to turn OFF the triggers as you add more keyframes, or else the triggers will get re-sent each time the timeline hits a keyframe that has a trigger attached. Do the same for PERIPH DEVICES...turn them off before starting to build another effect, or you'll end up recalling PBus devices when you don't plan to, or possibly end up overwriting existing effects.

Bob Ennis