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GPI Timelines

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 14 Mar 2006

HI all,

My goal is to run a fast foward wipe from a shotbox and then undercut on p/p.. I have a GPI hooked up to fire the P/P cut button.. I'm trying to build a gpi timeline that works with it.. I think i had it built correct; however a strange thing happened when i inserted the effect into my shotbox..
I hit the shotbox and the wipe ran, and then undercut perfectly, however a second after the cut--IT CUT AGAIN. The second cut is not in the timeline, so i dont know why its happening... Is there a special way i have to build the gpi timeline?? ( I did it using the Dev menu and then GPI timeline submenu..

If anyone knows anything-- id totaly appreciate it!!! Thanks all


User offline. Last seen 15 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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PS. I also remeber that I once created a cheating GPI via a tally interface to a program called Pokerface. I made some sort of macro or effect that gave a short, short tally on a camera, to an auxiliary output if I recall correct. The tally interface I hooked to the gfx - worked as a charm! Martin
User offline. Last seen 15 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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Hello Mike, The GPI on mvs-8000 could be a tad confusing. You have different GPI-ports on the switcher, panel/SCU and DCU(SCU) - depending on your system! You can control these different GPI from different places in the menu. Switcher 7337, panel/SCU 7325 and DCU(SCU) 7352/4. When it comes to your problem, have you concidered to make an gpi-link 7336.4? As I understand it you want to trigger some sort of wipe and wait for the xpt to cut. If it always is the same source you would like to cut to you can do a gpi-link on your xpt-button, which creates a gpi-pulse and then delay a predefined time before the cut. You also have a lot of different ways to send the gpi-pulse. For example I once created a effect, or tweaked, a DVS-7000 to send a gpi-pulse and delay the cut. I started out by looping a gpi FROM the switcher back in TO the switcher, and one gpi to the graphic machine. I set the gpi to send a pulse, both back to the switcher and to the gfx, when I keyed on key 1 on the P/P-row (Tally type or Status type). When the same gpi came back in to the switcher I set it to start an effect/timeline on P/P-row, and all that effect did was to wait, do the xpt-cut and then key 1 to off. I didn't use the gpi-link because I wanted to have the possibility to cut these sources without the gpi running. It is possible to do this kind of solution on the mvs-8000 as well. 7337.4 gpi action 16 = start effect ? Rcl & Run. Good luck! Martin
User offline. Last seen 14 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
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Hey guys, thanks for the tips.. I'm gonna try them when I get to work on tuesday.. Allan and Billy D --- yea I currently run all of my wipes off macros,, however now im running out of them, so i wanted to make some of them timelines.. I Lose full control of my dsk's with a basic timeline --id have to build one timeline, to go clean, one to go with key1, one with key 2 and so on.. Someone told me that the only way to resolve this is to have a GPI on the cut button-- which is now my current dilema Just one more quick question about the GPI.. I plugged the gpi into the port on the System Control Unit, not the DCU;thats correct right? and i set the pulse of the the gpi, to Low to hi to low (upside down U ) THanks guys for the help Mike
Bob Ennis
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Mike - Like the other guys are saying, you already have the "wait" keyframe - that's your keyframe #1 and your wait is 1 frame because the GPI is OFF. Keyframe 2 with the GPI ON does the fire. Because of the way that the SONY works (meaning each timeline runs on its own instead of all levels running along 1 timeline like some other switchers) you probably don't have to add a 3rd keyframe with the GPI back to OFF. But if you're having problems getting the effect to run reliably, then by all means try that 3rd keyframe. Here's one tip that may help explain some things - if it's not relevant now, it'll be at some point when you build timelines: On the SONY, there is a Keyframe 0 at the start of each effect. You may have inserted KF 1 with functions or commands on it, but the system inserts the KF 0 as part of the effect. KF 0 can be equated to the Header Information that's found on GV switchers, meaning that it's only at the start of the effect & only relevant when you do a recall, not when you are at the end of the effect & start running it again without hitting Rewind. SONY calls this header KF 0 the REWIND ACTION, which you'll see in some of the device & control menus. You can put in a REWIND ACTION of recueing a DDR for example, but this action will only happen when you 1st recall the effect or when you hit Rewind. If you're at the end of the effect & press RUN, the effect will restart at KF 1, meaning that it'll skip over the Rewind Action. So keep this in mind when you build effects - if you get one type of action when you recall or when you rewind, but not when you re-run an effect from the last KF, then this Rewind Action could be the cause.

Bob Ennis

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Mike, Try inserting a dummy GPI keyframe after your cut. From the sounds of things, you have 2 keyframes... your first keyframe just serves as buffer room to get to your second keyframe (which does the cut). I've seen weird things happen when you have a PBus or GPI action on the last keyframe of an effect or on a keyframe that has a pause associated with it (something other than a PBus recue trigger). Try inserting another GPI keyframe after the cut that has everything turned off (so now you have 3 keyframes on your GPI timeline). -Allan
Bill D
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Mike, Try adding a 3rd keyframe, that has GPI off, just copy and paste the 1st keyframe. Allso this can be done even easier using macros, might want to check that out as well..
User offline. Last seen 14 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
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Hey Bob, Thanks for the response.. I;m confused about the keyframe that has to be the wait.. Im building the effect in the device menu off the splashpanel and then touching gpi timline.. I made my first keyframe set to OFF (on the left side of the screen under port control i think?) , and then my second keyrame turned OFF into SCU-1... I set my duration between those keyframes to 1 so it was instantaneous.. When i save the effect then recall it, and hit run, it seems to work and only cuts once. Where do i have to put the wait in? Or am i building the effect totaly wrong? Its funny ive been trying to get this gpi to work for months,, feels like im sooo close but I can never nail it down. THanks Mike
Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 27 weeks ago. Offline
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You only need 2 keyframes on the GPI timeline - one to "wait" and one to fire. If you have more than 2 keyframes, subsequent keyframe might have the same info that KF 2 does...this could cause an additional fire command.

Bob Ennis