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Odd Lance/FFW Loop issue

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 48 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Aug 2005

I'm in a truck with two fast forwards (4 total channels). On either FFW, this happens:

Create in point.
Create out point.
Do a FCN + 5 (loop) or trigger via PBUS #5 to initiate a loop.
FFW jumps to in point (should stop at current position, not jump)
Now try to shuttle backwards... can't do it..
Shuttle forward works...
Shuttle backwards after going forward... FFW stops at the timecode of in point... won't go back any further
Now enter a timecode at a point earlier than in point... FFW jumps to that timecode and now works as normal.

FFW in BVW mode.
Lance V. 3.0

I loop all the time and have never seen this one.


Geoff B
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 23 Sep 2006
[quote="mtiffee"]I'm in a truck with two fast forwards (4 total channels). On either FFW, this happens: Create in point. Create out point. Do a FCN + 5 (loop) or trigger via PBUS #5 to initiate a loop. Hit STOP FFW jumps to in point (should stop at current position, not jump) Now try to shuttle backwards... can't do it.. Shuttle forward works... Shuttle backwards after going forward... FFW stops at the timecode of in point... won't go back any further Now enter a timecode at a point earlier than in point... FFW jumps to that timecode and now works as normal. FFW in BVW mode. Lance V. 3.0 I loop all the time and have never seen this one. Tiffee[/quote] I get this all the time with SpotBoxes. James from EVS explained to me that it's because of the way SpotBoxes do loops: It actually creates a temporary clip and puts it into a playlist. You then can't shuttle outside of this clip that you didn't even know existed. I've never seen it on a FF, however. Maybe it has something to do with the FF, and not the Lance?
Geoff Butler Director, Sacramento Kings & Monarchs TV TD, NBC Sunday Night Football Webmaster, [url=http//www.freelancetd.com]FreelanceTD.com[/url]
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 21 Aug 2005
Those aren't MY 1/2 inch Avery labels, pal - I don't use those anymore. I've found they hamper my ability to push the wrong buttons ... OH, but if you find my mittons ...
John Howard Independent Technical Director Columbia, SC
User offline. Last seen 14 years 48 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Aug 2005
Funny, I'm on SS 16 with this issue.. These must be your labels I'm peeling.... standy by for TP.....
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 21 Aug 2005
This happens on all Lance channels? I had a similar issue with channel C of a Lance controlling FF#2, channel 1 last week on SS 16... not sure of the software version ... I thought I may have had some corrupt data but that was only one channel (or drive) of one machine, not four seperate channels. Odd ...
John Howard Independent Technical Director Columbia, SC