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PBus and Thunder HD

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I'm trying to setup a Kalypso HD to control a Thunder HD (Avid). I'm having problems finding the trigger lookup table for the Thunder HD. How do I know how the different Kalypso triggers will affect the Thunder HD?? Which one plays, stops, recues...etc.

Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005
Bill and I figured these out at one point. PBUS Trigger: Function 0 Nothing 1 Play 2 Pause 3 Recue 4 Nothing 5 Frame FWD /Pause 6 Frame RWD/Pause 5 and 6 were a little vague as to what they were doing....I would have to go back and look a them again. Also..be sure to allow PLENTY of recall time. Thunder clip recall is a bit slow..2-3 seconds. Also, w/ PBUS recall, I always gave it a second to breathe!! -Curt ps.. Dan, are you or have you had any problems with your Thunder(s)? Picons disappearing, database not updating ( atleast the screen) when items are deleted?...Thanks...
Bill D
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Joined: 18 Aug 2005
Since Bob mentioned about the device having the 'smarts'. The Thunder does allow you to save P-bus files for each of your shows. Once you do the learn, if you go into the thunder P-bus menu (under file somewhere, not in front of it). For each channel it will show you what clip is associated with which emem. You can then save this file. Each channel is it's own file. When you do open a new file, I think there is a restart and another apply button you need to click on. Should make sense when you see the menu, otherwise just ask where you are getting stuck. This will allow you to use emem 01 to recall Thunder item 230, and another show emem 01 can call up item 845, etc. hope this helps
Bob Ennis
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It sounds like uou've got the basic triggers worked out (play, stop, etc.). Recalling a clip will depend on the software version that you're using. Older software required you to go into the PBus/GPI menu, enable the specific PBus device (each channel pair of the Thunder can have its own PBus address) and do a LEARN of the register at the keypad (eg. LEARN 01). This action sends out a Learn command down the PBus line to the Enabled device...whatever clip it was sitting on at the time of the LEARN will be the clip to be recalled when you recall the Kalypso register, as the recall command is stored as part of the Kalypso's header information. You would then attach PBus triggers (play, stop, etc.) to subsequent keyframes of the effect on whatever level you've assigned the PBus device. Newer software (such as version 14) has adopted the SONY & DD approach - in the PBus/GPI menu, you now have the choice to do a register-based recall or a keyframe-based recall. The instructions are in the menu, and they are pretty self-explanatory. Just remember that with a P-Bus recall, the switcher is blind to what effect the device is sitting on...it's the device that remembers that "a switcher recall of effect 01 means that I should call up clip 'X'". What this means is if you learn Kalypso register 01 to call up your opening clip on the Thunder, the Thunder will ALWAYS call up the opening clip, regardless of who loads their E-Mems. If somebody else re-learns their effect 01 to call up Bump 1 on the Thunder, then YOUR clip association gets blown out. That's just the way that PBus works, as all of the "smarts" are in the device, not in the switcher. The DVEous has software to re-load E-Mem associations when you load your device effects, but I don't know if the Thunder has that option.

Bob Ennis

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I've looked in the user manual as well as installation guide, release notes, and a "features addendum". No Luck, even the Thunder tech guy pointed me to Kalypso and Kalypso pointed me to Thunder.... HELP! I have got a few triggers to have an effect. I found the recue, play, and stop triggers. But how do I assign a trigger to cue a specific clip, then another trigger to play that clip..etc.?? dan
Bill D
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Check the thunder manual, but I believe trigger 1 plays. Once you have that working do a couple of test commands to find re-cue (I think it is 3). In the Kalypso P-bus menu you can fire off test fires, so while a clip is cued or playing, etc just fire off some commands. Bill