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Mvs 800g

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User offline. Last seen 11 years 37 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 12 Dec 2005

Our new facility is being built with a Abekas editor with a 3ME MVS-800G and 3 channels of DME 9000. Now I know the editor will talk 422 to the switcher and DME's, but what about the 16 resizers that come built in with the switcher. I see no documentation any where about the resizers, whether you can GPI control them, or only by a snapshot. i would love to have vtr control of the resizers...what do you all think. Also does anyone have a 8000A, or G with a Abekas editor?. Would love some feedback.



Rick Edwards
User offline. Last seen 15 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
[quote="edytit"]Our new facility is being built with a Abekas editor with a 3ME MVS-800G and 3 channels of DME 9000. Now I know the editor will talk 422 to the switcher and DME's, but what about the 16 resizers that come built in with the switcher. I see no documentation any where about the resizers, whether you can GPI control them, or only by a snapshot. i would love to have vtr control of the resizers...what do you all think. Also does anyone have a 8000A, or G with a Abekas editor?. Would love some feedback. Thanks, Jason[/quote] Jason, The resizers are contained within the M/E bank. So whatever you can recall or whatever with the M/E, the resizer will also respond. In other words, it's just the M/E's timeline. RE