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PBUS Ports on DCU

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Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005


Is it possible to have more than one PBUS port assigned on the DCU?

When I assign the type of port as PBUS, it works...but when I try to assign PBUS to a second port, that works too..but it clears my previous assignment.

I heard that I should be able to do it if the two ports I am trying to assign are on different cards. We have two cards here ( 6 ports per card) so it should work by that reasoning.

Switcher and Panel are version 5.42....DCU is version 4.10

Thank you


Bill D
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Joined: 18 Aug 2005
Curt.. could buy this instead..
Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005
Rick and Phil, Thank you for your quick responses. I guess I was looking for a way to send the same PBUS info out two or more ports, then let the device "listen" for its address. We are going to be driving a Thunder ( one cable...port shared w/in Thunder itself), atleast one lance TDC100..and perhaps a Buf Spot panel. This would be 3 if not 4 "legs" of PBUS. I was hoping to avoid having them wire up a big "PBUS splitter" I know you can loop out PBUS info out of lance panel, but unfortunately those ports aren't wired..and they aren't anywhere near the machine control patchbay. Thank you Curt
Rick Edwards
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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[quote="P Moss"]Curt I can understand your logic regarding having two cards but as there is only one Pbus timeline, my logic is that you cannot assign two ports to be Pbus controllers. The idea of the menu on page 7355 is to allow the user to decide which port they want to use as Pbus or to drop Pbus control and use that port as another VDCP port etc If I am wrong on thiis I am sure Rick will put us both right Regards Phil[/quote] I'm not the world's most comprehensive expert on PBus.... but.... I think the nature of p-bus is it is a single connecter. The PBus cable usually goes into something else, like a DNF or Lance controller which is then responsible for doling out the info to the correct device. RE
P Moss
User offline. Last seen 14 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2006
Curt I can understand your logic regarding having two cards but as there is only one Pbus timeline, my logic is that you cannot assign two ports to be Pbus controllers. The idea of the menu on page 7355 is to allow the user to decide which port they want to use as Pbus or to drop Pbus control and use that port as another VDCP port etc If I am wrong on thiis I am sure Rick will put us both right Regards Phil