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8k Key PVW out

14 replies [Last post]
Bill D
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So it seems that the best way to create a 'layered mode' on the 8K is to use a key pvw as your key output and use some sort of ME output over black (multi pgm, or whatever)

It seems though that on the key pvw output, the key signal does not do transitions, dissolves, wipe, etc.
So even though the fill is doing a dissolve the key pvw cuts the keys.

Is there anyway around this or is this just the way it is. If so kind of unfortunate since this is the only way I know to composite some keys to key elsewhere or to send to a device to record the f/k.


Bill D
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[quote="Rick Edwards"][quote="Bill D"][quote="Bob Ennis"]Bill - You need to be in Multi Program Mode along with Independent Transition Mode for the "Multi-Mix" style effect to work.[/quote] Bob, Ohhhh... gotcha, will try again. They run standard mode here, and seems like there is no way to get snapshotable mutli pgm recalls, (we dont have multi pgm 2). This is still all great info to know for future stuff. thanks Bill[/quote] Yes, with V6 software. RE[/quote] Yes, I heard ver 6 for that as well, but from what I have heard non A frame software stops at ver 5.40 ish. Not sure why that is the case, but sure there are a lot of non hardware updated features that the original frame could benefit from. Even the Classic SD Kalypso could get the latest ver GVG just released. I can understand no multi pgm 2, but some stuff should be able to make it to the older frame. Bill
Rick Edwards
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[quote="Bill D"][quote="Bob Ennis"]Bill - You need to be in Multi Program Mode along with Independent Transition Mode for the "Multi-Mix" style effect to work.[/quote] Bob, Ohhhh... gotcha, will try again. They run standard mode here, and seems like there is no way to get snapshotable mutli pgm recalls, (we dont have multi pgm 2). This is still all great info to know for future stuff. thanks Bill[/quote] Yes, with V6 software. RE
Bill D
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[quote="Bob Ennis"]Bill - You need to be in Multi Program Mode along with Independent Transition Mode for the "Multi-Mix" style effect to work.[/quote] Bob, Ohhhh... gotcha, will try again. They run standard mode here, and seems like there is no way to get snapshotable mutli pgm recalls, (we dont have multi pgm 2). This is still all great info to know for future stuff. thanks Bill
Bob Ennis
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Bill - You need to be in Multi Program Mode along with Independent Transition Mode for the "Multi-Mix" style effect to work.

Bob Ennis

Bill D
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Bob, Ok, I do remember reading about this independent feature when the switcher was released, very powerful. I played a little today. I could not get independent mode to work at all. I turned it on for me 1. Selected a wipe for one keyer and a canned dme wipe for another. They both did those transitions when I auto trans them on and off in the keyer area. When I tried to do the same in the main trans module area, I only got a what I had selected (mix) No idea why it doesn't work, I assume this worked very early on in the software stage and is not an option. But I guess if it doesn't work here it certainly won't work with the key pvw issue. Atleast I can make the key pvw work just with a little workaround. Any thoughts why it doesn't work. Original frame ver 5.40 I think thanks Bill
Bob Ennis
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Bill - If you're running in Standard Mode & you select BKGD, Key 1, & Key 2 (or however many keyers you want) and then select a transition, when you move the lever arm or hit Auto Trans, all of the assigned elements will do the same transition - if MIX is selected in the Transition Panel, then only the MIX light will light up, and the background will dissolve while the key(s) mix on or off - just like how a Kalypso or a 4000 works...one transition for everything involved when using the lever arm & Main Transition Panel. If you're running in Independent Transition Mode, then if you set up BKGD, Key 1 & Key 2 (or other keyers as well), selecting MIX at the transition panel will light up the MIX button, but you may see other transition lights come on, too - such as DME or WIPE. That is because moving the fader or hitting Auto Trans will cause the background to MIX (if that's what you pressed in the Transition Panel), but each keyer will transition with whatever mode has been selected in the Keyer Transition Panel - changing its transition type in the Keyer Trans panel not only works for just that panel, but it also works when a keyer is delegated in the Main Trans Panel. Thus, while the background is dissolving, Key 1 could be wiping off while Key 2 could be doing a DME move on. Each of the elements can have its own unique transition. This is a very powerful feature, and very much like the final effect of the DD-series Multi-Mix, if you're familiar with that feature - it was always one of those features that operators either loved or hated. I personally like having the choice of running each M/E in whatever mode that works best for what I'm doing at the time, and not being forced into having to build a timeline to accomplish the same thing, which is how they demonstrate it on Kalypso.

Bob Ennis

Bill D
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Bob, I was in standard mode no multi pgm. Will check the independent mode on Monday. Regardless of this issue, what are the differences in running in independent mode or not. thanks as always Bill
Bob Ennis
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Bill - Try menu page 7334 - Key Transition. I tend to run in Independent Mode on the M/E's and Same Mode on PGM. Your issue may also have something to do with whether you're in Standard or Multi-Program mode. When I tested this today, I was in Standard Mode. You may want to experiment with this, too.

Bob Ennis

Bill D
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[quote="Bob Ennis"]Bill - I tried this using both the keyer's transition module as well as using the main transition module with a keyer selected as part of the effect. Either way, it works OK for me...the Key Preview (in LINK Mode) also mixes (or wipes, or DME's) along with the Fader Bar. Maybe it has to do with whether you're running the M/E in Independent Transition Mode or not....You may want to check into that.[/quote] Independent trans mode?? hmm no idea, where do you set that up or change it. This is also an original frame 8K.. thanks Bill
Bob Ennis
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Bill - I tried this using both the keyer's transition module as well as using the main transition module with a keyer selected as part of the effect. Either way, it works OK for me...the Key Preview (in LINK Mode) also mixes (or wipes, or DME's) along with the Fader Bar. Maybe it has to do with whether you're running the M/E in Independent Transition Mode or not....You may want to check into that.

Bob Ennis

Bill D
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Ok, we had it all set up correctly (link, etc). I somehow remembered what Bob explained to me back in April on how to set it up :) If you try to use the trans module to do lets say a switcher wipe between two keyers it cuts the key pvw key signals. If you use the seperate auto trans (mix on) buttons for each keyer it will dissolve or wipe, etc correctly. So I guess work around is to set each keyer to wipe and hit both buttons at the same time (or make a macro that does that, etc) If anyone thinks it should work with the trans module let me know. thanks for everyone's help. Bill
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Am I the only person who suddenly can't get the old forums to call up? I know about resetting preferences to display a wider time window, but I just tried the old Grass board for something and set it for 600 months and still got nothing. **OK, further examination shows that some of the old boards work and some don't. It just happened that the first couple I tried were bad. Sean
Bob Ennis
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Bill - In the Key Preview for the M/E (menu page 7331.3), if you use LINK for the keyers (rather than using the ON or OFF selections), the key signal for each linked key will dissolve on/off, as well as wipe or DME on, off as you add or subtract them from the M/E's main output. In this way you'll get the GV-style layering control that you're asking about.

Bob Ennis

Mike Cumbo
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Bill, Rick Edwards has posted what is needed to do Sony's equivalent to GVG's layered mode. Check the old board, I know it's there because I have used his suggestion. When I used this setup I was able to dissolve a DME channel, shot clock, on ME1 and the bug was keyed on ME3. It did not jut cut in, it would dissolve. I think you have to use keyprv1 or something like that. I can check and report back tomorrow.