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PBus and Macros

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User offline. Last seen 5 years 32 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Aug 2005

Hi, all.

If I use a macro that "selects" PLAY and then "TEST TRIGGER" will it also trigger any other PBus commands that happen to be highlighted or will it only run the PLAY command? Just in case something is still selected from an earlier process.

If it will trigger everything selected, is there any option besides using an emem to set up PBus for PLAY?

As always, thanks.


User offline. Last seen 5 years 32 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Aug 2005
Thanks again, guys! I actually had this one right in my head. No timeline even needed. Sean
Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
Just an addition to Scott's explanation: Remember that unlike other switchers, the macros on the GV do not re-press buttons. Macros execute things directly from the frame via CPL. Thus, if a macro was learned to press the TEST FIRE button with a PLAY soft-button lit, the CPL command for that is performed...so if someone else goes to that page & changes things, the macro won't be affected. The menu is only an interface to let you execute CPL commands, and macros bypass you & the menus to do the CPL commands directly.

Bob Ennis

Scott Dailey
User offline. Last seen 14 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Aug 2005
Sean, To the best of my knowledge, The answer is yes. I use Macros to trigger Play, Stop, Loop and Recue commands all the time. If you run a timeline that has those macros inserted, when you go to the PBus menu its first state shows the last trigger that was "pressed". It toggles off shortly after entering the PBus menu. The first part of my timeline has 1KF on the level my DDR is being controlled by.(all triggers off) After that all of the KF's are inserted on my macro level. My opinion is that you should have no problem doing what you describe. Scott
User offline. Last seen 5 years 32 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Aug 2005
Scott, thanks. Now I just want to double check my understanding: let's say TD Jr. is using the switcher and leaves the "CUE" button selected in the PBus menu. I sit down quickly and call my up my "run DDR" macro. Since all it did when I programmed it was select "PLAY" and hit "TEST TRIGGER" it will ignore Jr's "CUE" command? Thanks again, Scott. Sean
Scott Dailey
User offline. Last seen 14 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Aug 2005
Hi Sean, I use the method you are describing quite a bit. I always go into the PBus menu before I build the macro and make sure everything off. When I build the macro, I do just like you describe, Press the play button and hit Test Trigger. I label this Macro Play DDR and then insert it into a Macro enabled timeline. It works fine even without turning the trigger back off. The macro remembers to push only the buttons you select. Happy Punching! Scott