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New TD/ Ross Synergy/ Truck TD

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User offline. Last seen 9 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 5 Sep 2007

First off I am new to the site. I work in Wausau WI, market 134, as a news director/ Td where we call and punch. I am fresh out of school and have worked on quite a few different boards, but only knew enough to do what it is I NEEDED to do, nothing more. We just bought a Ross Synergy 2.5 and Im getting to know the ins and outs of it. Hince, the subject, I want to be a truck TD. Thats my goal. I have been playing around on this thing and its quite easy to learn that I can say, but I am stumped on quite a few things though. Jonas, is actually someone that I look up to, he is on this site with quite a few posts, he has helped me with advice about the business and about switchers in general. Anyone else want to offer up any? About the Synergy preferrably? Any and all is appreciated.

Big Question: Anyone have problems trying to perform a replay effect on the Synergy? I can do the fly through, but I cant figure out for the life of me how to do it where the crosspoints change underneath before the video is exposed?


ps-I freelance as a utility and a camera guy, those I work with call me "AI" as a nickname. Feel free to do the same, it makes me feel like Im in the "brotherhood" of this crazy business we all love to hate.

Hot potato is a different game when the people playing are starving. Then its more like, "my potato!"
Brian Ford
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Aug 2005
To do a basic replay move (fly through and undercut), I use a custom control macro. I normally have the replay effect playing out of the global animation store, but you can roll it off a server just as easily. In any case, here are the steps i have in my macro (yours may vary depending on your needs and where your animation flythrough is coming from): Load Anim on Stillstore Chan 1. Select StillStore Chan 1 on DSK 2 Key bus. Pause 1 frame. Cut DSK2 on Play Animation (or send play command to your video server) Pause 1 second (or however long until you want the undercut) Cut MLE4 (MLE3 in your case since you have a 2.5) Pause 15 frames Cut DSK2 off (if using a video server, recue here) This works nicely because it lets you choose in the next transition area any combination of BKGD and Keys to either go to replay clean or keep the keys in.. It basically gives you a flythrough from whatever is on program bus to whatver you have on preset.