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Inserting Macros in a Timeline

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User offline. Last seen 8 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 11 Jan 2006

I am trying to learn how to build the replay effect using the macros. I have created macros that put the key in, fire the ddr and such. I just can't figure out how to put them all together in a timeline. Anyone got a quick rundown on how you do this.

User offline. Last seen 8 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 11 Jan 2006
Thanks for the info Mike, I am trying to make it easier to do a back bench feed with a tonka toy kalypso instead of a full switcher. I did find where to add the macro in the macro menu it under the e-mem enable button.
Mike Cumbo
User offline. Last seen 3 years 24 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
Seth, some people use macros to operate a Kalypso when they use the mini panel, like when using a dual feed truck. With the limits those TD's have imposed on them, using macros allows them to be creative. You can go to or from a replay with a or without a CG, etc.
Seth Madway
User offline. Last seen 12 years 27 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 15 Sep 2005
[quote="Jimbam"]I am trying to learn how to build the replay effect using the macros. I have created macros that put the key in, fire the ddr and such. I just can't figure out how to put them all together in a timeline. Anyone got a quick rundown on how you do this.[/quote] I am not sure what you are attempting to accomplish. If you are using multiple macros for each portion of the effect, but then want to playback via a timeline, why don't you just build the effect as a timeline in the first place? If you want a macro that performs the effect on its own, you could record the macro with all applicable parameters. You need to add appropriate pauses. Since Kalypso doesn't offer macro editing, adjusting the effect is very difficult. If you want to run your replay via a macro, or assign the effect to a button, you can still build the effect as a timeline and create a macro that recalls the timeline. If as part of the effect you need to recall a particular macro, follow the steps mentioned by Bill. This can be useful when you want to impact a level of the switcher that is not part of the effect. For example, your effect runs on PGM but you want to have an undercut on ME3. This is similar to what used to require a GPI loopback. If you are still not getting what you are looking for, post again.
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
You need to assign the macros to a region delegation in the emem prefs menu? Same place you say what region goes to what misc level, etc. Give macros a misc level assignment Once you do that, build a master timeline with whatever regions you want and include that misc from above (or just use that one) Before you insert a keyframe go into macro menu, there is a place to pick which macro you want on that keyframe. It wil bring you to the list of macros, choose what you want. Then insert a keyframe on that level. Continue for the rest of your timeline picking a different macro for each level. You will also need to change keyframe duration for each to match up with what you are doing. You can only do one macro per keyframe, if you need them to happen together just insert two of them in a row with the one field duration. I am not in front of a Kalypso so hope that helps. If you need more specific menu instructions ask, and someone with a Kalypso can tell you. Bill