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Replay move with pause on 4k

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User offline. Last seen 12 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Oct 2006

I'm looking to build a replay move (in and out are different) using one EMEM with a pause. I have been told that by using a different function, you can call up FFW reg's 001 and 101 with EMEM 1 but I cant seem to get all my keyframes right. Has anyone had success with this and could walk me through it? I can build the in and out as different EMEMS but I wanted to get more advanced if I could. Thanks.

Seth Madway
User offline. Last seen 12 years 27 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 15 Sep 2005
[quote="reccles"]I'm looking to build a replay move (in and out are different) using one EMEM with a pause. I have been told that by using a different function, you can call up FFW reg's 001 and 101 with EMEM 1 but I cant seem to get all my keyframes right. Has anyone had success with this and could walk me through it? I can build the in and out as different EMEMS but I wanted to get more advanced if I could. Thanks.[/quote] Assuming that you are using a Lance: Trigger 11 would recall cue 101 (assuming EMEM 01). You would place this trigger on the keyframe that includes the pause. Trigger 10 would recall cue 001. This trigger would go on your final keyframe. With these additions, the keyframes following the pause would mimic what you built for your "out". You indicated that you are on a 4K. Before using triggers 10 & 11, you must define them as part of your configuration.