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First game on a Kayak

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Paul Dam
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User offline. Last seen 8 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 28 Sep 2007

I will be switching my first game on a Kayak and I was wondering what to expect. I have experience on GV3k/4k, the Kalypso, and the DD35. The game is a standard fox/sun sports show with branded replays and transitions.

The truck is mountain mobile's 15d.

TD setup
* GVG Kayak SD-300 Switcher (Default of DD mode, TDs can request GVG.)
o 3 ME
o Internal Still Store, RAM Recorder, 9 internal DVEs
* Omega Fast Forward DDR w/ Lance Controller

Is the kayak basically the same setup/menu as far as delegating levels, and using cpl/pbus communication (basic lance control)?

Also is it possible to freeze the logo for the replay in one of the me's key and have that recalled with an emem in a simple way? (I noticed the freeze key button in the keyer panel. Do you have to use a ddr or stillstore?)

How are DDR clips assigned to a xpoint / queued and triggered?

How is the process of building DVE effects/timelines different from lets say the Kalypso. (Do you still need to UNassign dve channels to prevent conflicts?)

Any information on how you guys use your macros and set them up would be appreciated.

Paul Dam

User offline. Last seen 9 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Jan 2007
If you're familiar with the DD35 you should be ok. You can freeze a frame in the RAM recorder for your branded replay. The DVEs are assigned to each ME keyer, plus keyer 1 on the Program bus. Timelines are quite a bit different than the Kalypso. You can do it with just one keyframe, and use holds and events for the entire effect. Recall of the Lance is considered an event, and you can specify which register of the Lance you want to recall (it's not tied to the register number of the swithcher). For macros, I generally use one for each replay machine to go to the replay. For instance, I'll have it select emem 0 on ME1 (which I program to drop all keys, in case I had used it earlier), key the brand, select ME1 on the P/P bus, select the replay machine I want on ME1, then select the replay emem. I place that macro over the machine that I'll be going to, so if the director calls "Replay RED" all I do is hit the button over "RED" on ME2 (where I'm punching the show) and hit run. Good luck!