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Kalypso Attach/Shift Macro

10 replies [Last post]
Mike Ramey
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2 Jun 2007

I remember reading somewhere, maybe here or Brad's page, about a macro that holds the shift button for three seconds. Well... I built a macro by pushing the shift key, inserting a three second delay and then pushing shift again. I hoped the macro would "hold" the shift button but it only punches twice, so fast I can't even see it. Does anyone have an ideas on how I can do this?

In addition I would like the macro to turn the attach button off, delay for three seconds and then turn it back on. I tried the same sequence described above and it didn't work for me. Then I tried to build it again using the touchsreen and that didn't work. Help!

The reason I want to do this is we have a swell new graphics package and all of our lower thirds animate on... but they all start in black. So if I set to go with font and forget to turn that off there is no visual cue that there is a font in. Then the font animates when I take my next source and it's a mistake on air. I did that about ten times today. :-) I want to build a macro for every button that sets the source to go clean. The problem is I can't get to my shift side without turning off the attach button, holding the shift key, selecting the source, then turning attach back on. I'm tired just thinking about all that punching.


Dan Berger
User offline. Last seen 14 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2005
Hmmm... how about just remembering to turn off the keyer. --- Dan
Mike Ramey
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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Hey Bill, No worries, you're never too late to help me out! I wish you guys could see one of our airchecks. Fonts animate off & on at the wrong time all the time. It's a matter of getting used to our cool new look. I like the new look but lower thirds take a full second to animate on and off. We do not have GFX ops. That would make life too easy for us TD/Directors. I've never used key drop before. It was explained to me as something for hot punching. If keydrop clears the key when a source is preset that would be just what we need! Mike
Bill D
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Would a simple dsk drop work for you. You want to go clean all the time. Take the source and it drops the key, add it when you need to by inserting. When I mean I didn't understand, I mean from reading the top paragraph I have no idea what you are trying to air, except an animating banner, why does it dissolve off after 3 seconds. Does it effect on and then effects off right away, how is it effecting off? Is there a GFX operator playing these clips. Beyond keying the font what else needs to happen? Just to cut clean and re key? sorry I just don't get it, maybe too early or late :)
Mike Ramey
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This has been such a pain! I appreciate the help a lot! Bill D., Yes I want the next transistion to go clean. For your second question, I could build two macros but then I have to push too many buttons while punching. And the macros will be to many button pushes making it time consuming to modify them. Sean, Yes, the font is triggered by tally. I don't want a macro to trigger the tally because that's another button push. Thanks for the thought. My goal is to add the new fonts without adding button pushes. My hope is to do that with a macro. My first idea is to go clean, key the font with a macro that adds the font, waits three seconds, animates the font off then loses the key. That requires a GPI we are not set up with... I guess it's time to push for the GPI.
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Mike, Like Bill I'm a bit fuzzy on what you are up to. You said that if you set to go to your next source with font, there's no visual indication that you are doing it (cuz your CGs start off screen). That makes sense. Then you said that when take the next source the font animates. Is the font being triggered by a tally? If so, what about changing things up so that instead of building the macro to take you all the way around the tip of South Africa (ie, the long way) you drop the tally control on your font and build a macro that fires the CG (the short route)? I may have completely missed the issue here, but thought I'd toss one out there. Sean
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
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I am still confused on what you are trying to accomplish? You want to set up next trans to go clean? Yes you can only play one macro at a time, does there need to be a an operator execution of the 2nd part or can it happen 3 seconds after first part?
Mike Ramey
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2 Jun 2007
Andrew, thanks for the tip! I can't believe I missed that! Sadly, my idea will not work. Problem #1: It appears Kalypso can't turn off "attach" with a macro. Problem #2: Kalypso can't play one macro with a second macro running in the background. Are those assumptions correct? The goal is for macro A to run for three seconds, during that time an operator executes macro B and then Macro A finishes on it's own. I guess I need some kind of dual macro player... either that or I need to build 64 macros with 128 button pushes each. Building all that kind of defeats the purpose; making punching easier. Oh well. Thanks for the help everybody!
Andrew Raiche
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[quote="Mike Ramey"]Thanks for the Daily Setup tip. Using the Daily Setup works, with one small problem. (glitch?) The source display on the Kalypso doesn't switch over to the shift side. I can see the shift side is selected because the keys flash... I just can't see the display for any shift side source. Mike[/quote] The "Source Display" is a separate control directly below "Shift Prefs" You only need to add Source Display shift to your macro and it will work as desired. Andrew
Mike Ramey
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2 Jun 2007
Hey Bob- Too bad about attaching to the shift button. Thanks for letting me know! Thanks for the Daily Setup tip. Using the Daily Setup works, with one small problem. (glitch?) The source display on the Kalypso doesn't switch over to the shift side. I can see the shift side is selected because the keys flash... I just can't see the display for any shift side source. That got me thinking. What if the macro changes the button mapping, which changes the source display, then changes it right back to the first button mapping after three seconds? That works! The only downside is if I need to add a source to my set up the macro must be rebuilt... and that's a lot of punching. Thanks for the help! Mike
Bob Ennis
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Mike - The reason that your macro didn't work is because the SHIFT button on the panel is a panel modifier only...macros work on the CPL information in the frame, which the panel's SHIFT button doesn't address. I think that what you want to do with your macro is instead of using the panel's SHIFT button, start learning your macro, then go into the Daily Setups/User Prefs/Shift Prefs menu - go to the M/E that you want to affect, then select the SHIFTED button for the bus that you want to hold...then put your delay into your macro, then turn off the SHIFTED button. That should do what you want, and of course you can attach the macro to another button if you want (just not to any of the SOURCE SELECT MODIFIER buttons).

Bob Ennis