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Replay Wipe to Bug and Back

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 21 Sep 2007

Just watching the TBS MLB effect... the replay wipe shrinks down to a bug, pauses for the replays, then blows full again out to live action.

Is this type of effect one clip, is there a PBUS stop command to pause the Fast Forward, then the "off" move plays the Fast again? Or, is there a second clip that the Fast cues hot on the air for the back end?

This brings another question: can the Fast do a clean cue while hot? Don't think I've tried this yet.


Bill D
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[quote="JohnHowardSC"]Bill, I'm not doing any of the games but you're pretty close in your disection of the basic Turner effect. Once the Replay On animation is triggered some Turner TDs include a dissolve to M/E 3C in the TL for a few quick frames to give the illusion of losing the score bug up top without having to mess around with macros and losing keyers. Same thing later in the same TL - at full frame the first undercut would be to M/E 2C then add the SS bug after the anim bug lands by going to M/E 2A. The guys I know don't leave the Spot keyed for the replay brand - all SS. Exact same thing in reverse for the "Off." JH[/quote] John, Ahh that is a good idea as well, that is the beauty of the newer switchers, multiple ways to do the same thing. thanks
User offline. Last seen 15 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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I'd think this would mean that you need to be sure that the GVG video store or SS or Sony FM is part of your effects so that positioning data tracks?
Mike Cumbo
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MM, yes. You spend a lot time making sure things line up.
User offline. Last seen 15 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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So, the trick is, somehow ensuring dead-on positioning of the replay clip and the brand still so that the dissolve to/from is seamless?
User offline. Last seen 15 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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Bill, I'm not doing any of the games but you're pretty close in your disection of the basic Turner effect. Once the Replay On animation is triggered some Turner TDs include a dissolve to M/E 3C in the TL for a few quick frames to give the illusion of losing the score bug up top without having to mess around with macros and losing keyers. Same thing later in the same TL - at full frame the first undercut would be to M/E 2C then add the SS bug after the anim bug lands by going to M/E 2A. The guys I know don't leave the Spot keyed for the replay brand - all SS. Exact same thing in reverse for the "Off." JH
John Howard Independent Technical Director Columbia, SC
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
I was checking this out last night. Very similar to other TBS sporting events, I kind of like the look, pretty cool. I assumed it worked like this. Animation plays on (and covers score bug which goes away before animation starts to come full). So animation plays on, macro turns off key for score bug, Animation ends in same position as the brand, brand is keyed from clipcache or FM. At this point animation dissolved off and you are left with brand, and replay off move is cued. Replay off move starts at the same point of brand, so clip is played and dissolved to before it flys full, which then brings score bug back in. I would think a stop command would be noticeable, maybe not, and maybe I am over thinking the effect. We did something similar for a tease effect I once did for a show, except we bounced between two DDR's, rather then using DDR and FM. Maybe one of the 4 TD's that they must have for the games can chime in? If you also notice the backside of the animation when it flips in says postseason or something written backwards, anyway I only watched a little bit last night and things looked pretty good.
User offline. Last seen 15 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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The "stop" and then "play" again would make sense to me. Will the FF do a clean cue hot on the air? Will my mileage vary?
Rick Tugman
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The TBS transition is just like the NBC transitions - 1 animation as a move on and off. It could be built as two transitions depending on your preference. To answer your other question, there are several ways to do it, but you could just put a stop command in the timeline at the correct point.