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Replay Wipe 4K

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 25 May 2007

I was wondering if anyone knew step by step instructions on how to build a replay wipe on a GV 4K once the element is loaded in the FF. To be more specific what buttons (mod, next keyframe, ect.)

Any help would be great.

User offline. Last seen 15 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 25 May 2007
Thanks Jim! I will try this out and let you know if I have any questions.
User offline. Last seen 9 years 10 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 11 Jan 2006
Here is a real basic run down on how to build a replay effect on the 4000. There are other ways to do it but this is my preferance. Others can jump on a give their ways to do it. 1. Turn on the source hold on the program and preset. 2. Turn on the Prg/Pst and what ever DPM you have the Lance or DNF programmed to. (These are next to the master e-mem bank.) Make sure you have you key off downstream on Key 1. I normally have a EVS selected for Key 1 and a Tele on Key 2. I will leave Key -2 in the on state. 3. Learn this on whatever Master e-mem you want.(this will generate your first key frame.) 4 Select your FF on Key-1 Bus and turn the key on. Then hit insert next this will generate your 2nd key frame. 5. Hit insert next again 3rd key frame (this is the timing spacing between the start of the effect and the dissolve under the FF) 6. Pull down the t-bar on Pgm/Pst and hit insert next. 4th keyframe(this will be your dissolve under the FF 7 Turn off Key-1, Hit insert next -Key Frame 5 This is the timing for taking the key out 8. Put Key -1 back to the EVS. If you run the effect now you will see it put the keys in and transition from Program to Preset. Now all you need to do is add the P-bus triggers for playing the FF on Keyframe-2 and the recue on Keyframe-6 if you don't have the lance set to auto-recue at the outpoint. This is done by going to that keyframe-2 and selecting the proper p-bus command and hiting the mod button. Now you can go adjust the length of the keyframs by using the key dur button and entering the key frame length. Then hiting the mod button. Here is the basic lengths I use for a FSN show. 1st KF -.1 Frame length 2nd KF -.15 Frames length 3rd KF -.3 Frame length 4th KF -.25 Frame length 5th KF -.1 Frame length 6th KF Frame length I tried to dummy this down because I don't know how much you know about the 4000. Hopefully it will help you out a little.