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Zodiak macro delegate button

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User offline. Last seen 9 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Jan 2007

Here is a serious design flaw that I can't believe was programmed this way...

The other night, I programmed my macros, and since I was punching the show on ME2 (on a 2.5 Zodiak) I wanted to use the macro buttons on that bus. The only problem is that if you select a keyer on your next transition, it kicks off the macro button and lights the keyer you selected in the trans panel. Is it supposed to do this? Is there a setting I can change so it doesn't do this? I got hosed twice on air because of it.


User offline. Last seen 9 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Jan 2007
[quote="jwillis"]Sorry I wasn't explaining well. The auto delegation of key select lines is deliberate and I don't think you can disable it. What I meant was that you can stop the key selectors working as anything other than as macro replay buttons. If you do a replace attach on the key source selectors you need to be macro replay that is all they will do no matter what the line appears to be delegated to. It means you can have guaranteed macro replay and some key sources on the same line of buttons. Cheers, John[/quote] Ah, gotcha. Sorry, the brain is a little slow after 3 straight games... Thanks
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
This is the best workaround I have used the same replace macro function, and this is an obvious design flaw. Makes the macro row useless atleast during any kind of show that uses keyers.
User offline. Last seen 9 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Jan 2007
That's not quite what I mean. When I select, say, background and key 1 in my next transition, the key 1 button over the macro/key select bus on that ME lights up, de-selecting the macro button. So I don't want to replace the function in the transition panel, I just want to "disconnect" it from the macro/key select bus.