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dpm pgm transition

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trini jeff
User offline. Last seen 9 years 28 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 6 Nov 2007

when using a dpm effect on the pgm transition, to fly it in and out it, after using it once the second time it plays in reverse order how to get around that.

Matt Sears
User offline. Last seen 15 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 4 Mar 2007
When using a keyer to perform a DPM transition, it is important that the DPM effect be built in the following order: First frame, object to fly in is completely off the screen Last frame, object in final position Enable "sure touch" and the switcher will adjust the state of the timeline to that of the keyer. If a keyer is cut on air and then effected off, it will just run the timeline in reverse from the last frame to the first.