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DVEous Grassvalley 3K settings talking to the auxes

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iduetv's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Nov 2006

I always heard it could be done. This time it was done for me. I would like to finally know what are the settings for..... 

1) Settings for aux crosspoints being stored on the DVE effect that recalls the cross points from recalling the Effect. (Not from the DPM levels of the switcher) If it can not be done, is it a hardware issue with the dveous or the GVG 3K

2) CPL settings

3) Pbuss settings

and how the settings would work on the Kaylspo.


Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
As I recall, the DVEous itself can determine whether the AUX buses of the switcher are controlled or not. In the DVEous' INPUT menu, there is a choice for AUX BUS (which will control the attached AUX Bus) or VIDEO (which does not control the AUX Bus) - but if the DVEous selects VIDEO & the switcher is still programmed to have the AUX Bus under CPL, it'll lock up the Aux Bus, so you've got to get the setting correct at the switcher as well as at the DVEous.

Bob Ennis

Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
Every truck seems to be different. Typically I would set both editor and aux to CPL. Some nice EIC's put a label on the control panel. Most do not. In order to give aux control to the switcher, go into the map dmp auxes menu, and don't put any auxes in DPM 1. I put auxes 1-4 (on a 4K) inot DPM 2 DVE effects then use video input rather then aux crosspoint, in the input menu. So any DVEous effect recall consisted of DPM 1 for dve effect recall and DPM 2 to feed auxes. Link bus, assume you mean Kalypso, again if you just put these auxes under a misc recall, then the auxes you set to pair should be included with the recall of the A side of the pair. CPL works very nicely as long as you don't want to recall a looping dve effect. That gets messy
iduetv's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Nov 2006
That helped a-lot. I feel the same way. I did want the CPL but without the control over the switcher's aux buss. Where in the setup you described is to have it not talk to the auxes. I don't think that there was a selection choice of "none" for the 1,2,3,4, or 1,3,5,7, in aux control. Is it up to the truck EIC if you use the editor buss for this setting? or the Aux buss for this setting in the remote enable of the dveous. If it can be either that would tell me not to be so hard headed knowing that it would be different truck - to - truck How does the "link" buss fit into all this again thanks for your help
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
Hardware... DVEous needs a CPL card wired to the DPM switcher port, I think port A-1 or something. If you want to control 4 auxes, then you need to wire video out auxes 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, from switcher to dveous. This is a problem on a 4K since B-sides are always key. On a 3K, you can change auxes between video and key. Been a while so menu stuff is from memory..don't really remember the names of the menu's On 3K, need to go into DPM menu and under DPM 1 assign dveous (other choices are other, krystal, etc) In the Map auxes menu, assign auxes 1 and 2, to DPM 1. On DVEous side in remote enable, select port you have CPL wired into, and select CPL. There are two choices 1,3,5,7 and 1,2,3,4. Try both I think in this case it would be 1,2,3,4 Now if you go to the dveous input menu and change it from video input to aux bus you should be able to dial through aux sources (you should see aux bus change). On a Kalypso setup not sure, but I would guess you need to assign some of the aux buses to DPM, rather then misc. Not sure how it would work with the video or key aux buses. CPL needs to work on 4 consecutive aux buses. Which on 4K made it only able to control 2 auxes. I believe this made it pretty useless (atleast in my mind) Also never loved the lack of flexibility it gave you, would rather have switcher DPM 2 control the auxes. There was definitely some quirkiness to the whole thing. Hope that helps