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Slow Motion Wipes

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Nov 2007


I work on a Kayak HD switcher inside an OB van, we broadcast football matches, i was asked to make a wipe effect between live & slow motion replays, similar to the one used in UEFA champions league, a wipe with the logo moving with it, and because i'm not a very experienced vision mixer i thought i should ask the professionals :),

after giving it a thought, i figured that i have to make the logo animation clip, and load it to the RAM player, then chroma key this clip, and record a macro that runnes the clip and does the wipe transition simeltaneously (transition time should be the same as the clip length).

can anyone tell me if i'm right ? and please can someone give me a brief discription of how it is done ? what should the format of the clip be ? should i use chroma or linear key ?

your help will be appriciated.

Thank you for your time.

User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Nov 2007
Thanx man, i have a game tomorrow i will try it, if i have any questions i will get back to you, thank you very much for your quick help :)
Silvio Bacchetta
Silvio Bacchetta's picture
User offline. Last seen 1 year 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 25 Oct 2007
Hello, what you have figured out is basically correct. Chroma or linear keyer doesn't matter after all, but keep in mind that if you use the linear key you will have to record both fill and key clips and gang two channel of the ram recorder. That's exactly the way I do italian serie A wipes. It depends if the graphic logos that you have are in fill/key format or designed for chroma keyed.

I suggest you to record a macro that: - cues up the clip (previously loaded. I don't know how much time it takes to load it, but I will assume you have already loaded and ready to play); - puts the M/E in wipe + key mode; - recalls the selected wipe (in case it is accidentaly set up incorrectly, this will recall the correct setting); - insert a minimum pause (0.1s should be enough, I have found this useful on the kayak); - does the transition (autotrans + clip play); - insert a pause a little longer than clip duration; - drops the key and puts the M/E in mix mode (slow motion from different sources will probably require mixing); - insert a minim pause; - recues clip. This will ready the switcher to play the wipe again to exit the replay sequence. This step is not necessary but I prefer to have the clip always cued correctly. I also need to trigger an external jingle machine and I do this putting the macro in a timeline the closes GPI contacts. I hope I did not forget anything :)