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Kalypso to Kayak

14 replies [Last post]
Mike Ramey
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The TV station I work at is making the move to HD in January. We've been punching on a Kalypso and will be punching the new shows on a Kayak. We're going from 4 m/e's to 3 m/e's and have a couple less buttons on the Kayak than we have on the Kalypso. I just found out about DPM mode and having to build multiple timelines for effects. I imagine there are a few more big adjustments we'll have to make with the new board.

I'm looking for a rundown of the differences, big and small, between Kayak and Kalypso. All warnings and horror stories welcome.

Thanks for the input!


Mike Ramey
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Key memory was on - now it's off and things are working great! Thanks Steve!
Steve Meyer
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Do you have key memory turned on? If so, turning it off may solve your issue.
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If you have a spare M/E you could feed the keyer from the M/E and punch your sources up there... there might be a better way but I don't know the switcher well enough.
- Stephan Ahonen
Mike Ramey
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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The first issue! We have a great looking double box effect. When a different source is punched in a box the DPM send turns off (we have a full screen image) What's up with that!? How do we stop it from happening? Is this issue in the keyer, e-mem or DPM?? Thanks! Mike
Mike Ramey
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Calrec?! The new board is a Calrec! I guess it's only a matter of time before Ignite is here.
Mike Cumbo
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Regarding the audio board, I guess it would depend. Does it allow itself to be controlled by another device? And if so, to what extent? With the Calrec digital boards, and probably others, you can turn a channel on and off with a tally closure. With the tally closure you can't ride levels but a limiter could keep things in order. Bump music can be created with a fade up, again a switcher trigger to control the roll of the Digi Cart. The board probably will be near a supervisor who can "fix" any issues. The only real need for a traditional board would be for the auxes and subs to create mix minus mixes.
Mike Ramey
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Thanks Mike! If we replace the Kayak control panel what happens to the cool new audio board? Does Ignite talk to it or does it go away?
Mike Cumbo
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Mike, it looks like you replace the regular control panel with either keyboards and monitors or something called the QUICbox Tactile control Interface. (a mini panel that recalls pre-built elements/effects.) Here is link to the T/GV data sheet:
Mike Ramey
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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Now that we have Kayak we're worried about Ignite coming online next year. How does Kayak tie into the Ignite system? The only experience I have with Ignite is at KOIN when I watched a noon newscast... I didn't see a Kayak board in front of the operator. Please help calm me down. Thanks Mike
User offline. Last seen 11 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
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I believe Thomson/GVG has let its customers down. The Zodiak would have been a much better option for an upgrade path to HD on a smaller scale (as we were led to believe when purchasing the product). The Kayak unfortunately does not quite operate like a GVG product. It comes out of the Thomson camp. As for me, I'll have to look elsewhere.
Bill D
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[quote="Big O"]I was on a Kayak this weekend and like other people on this board, I have very few positive things to say about it. I was impressed that the menu was real time and the touch screen was perfect, unlike the substandard menu on the Kalypso (as far as updates, redraws and touch sensitivity, not the tree structure). I also like the built in USB connectors on the panel, although Firewire would have been nice too for expanding the still store capacity.[/quote] Unrelated to the topic but I believe Kalypso menu has been pretty good for a few years now as far as the menu redraw speed. Also there is a USB port on the GUI as well, unfortunately pretty much every install has the GUI in a box which covers the port. Would be nice if Kalypso put the port on the front maybe, or maybe they didn't cover them.
Don B (Jr)
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Mike, I would love to hear how the Kayak works in a news scenario for you guys. I'm on a Sony 8000, and a Kayak is in the '09 budget for us, REPLACING the 8000. (Originally, we were supposed to get a 2nd 8000 for our other control room) The install of the Kayak will be at the same time as we go to Ignite. Don KXTV-Sacramento
Mike Cumbo
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The fact that they picked the Kayak makes me think that Ignite might be in the future at that station.
Big O
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I was on a Kayak this weekend and like other people on this board, I have very few positive things to say about it. I was impressed that the menu was real time and the touch screen was perfect, unlike the substandard menu on the Kalypso (as far as updates, redraws and touch sensitivity, not the tree structure). I also like the built in USB connectors on the panel, although Firewire would have been nice too for expanding the still store capacity. The rest is too negative and has already been mentioned on this board by lots of other people. Until now I kept away because I had never seen a Kayak, now I second all the critics. Unfortunately, they are correct. It seems that the Kayak was designed by engineers with good ideas but with little or no input from actual TD's with saddle time. I see many things that probably look good on paper but are poor in the real world. I hope it goes nowhere and GV/Thomson is forced to rethink. I certainly would never recommend to any employer that they buy a Kayak. However, I don't write the checks, I get the checks written to me so there's no guarantee I won't have to put up with this inferior design.