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Kayak Flashdrive Problems?

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 1 Feb 2007

Hey guys -- I've been TDing for the BTN since august but still have not been able to walk into the truck, stick in my flashdrive, and load a profile. Though this originally irked the crap out of me, I've become so good at building my shows I no longer complain. BUT my local venue has been having breaker problems and I'm worried about an in-show disaster where the Kayak doesn't restart with that day's profile. I bought my flashdrive for working with Kayaks and remember there was a certain type you had to look out for. I'm fairly certain I took those precautions and purchased correctly but now I have my doubts. The thing is, I can see all of my profiles and appli on my lap-top and when I stick the flashdrive in the switcher I see them there too. When I load them though, no macros or emems come with it. So what's the problem? my flashdrive? or are other BTN TDs having this problem too? Everytime I mention it to the EICs it's the first they've heard of it. Also, if somebody could refresh my memory as to what type of flashdrive is required and how to check my existing one I'd greatly appreciate it. thanks!


Thanks for the update Courtney. I've definitely run into cases where a BTN/MTVG truck has done a non-BTN show and the previous TD had switched mode. Luckily all the EICs are up on this and seem to reset it to default DD mode before the next show.
User offline. Last seen 14 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 15 Oct 2007
I talked with Joe on 19 and he said that 17 and 18 are identical other than the IP addresses. 19 is different when you get to the higher inputs around where the non existent robo cams are. The only issues Joe has known about is when part of his switcher was in GV mode. That got rectified a back in September though so there should no longer be a problem. Courtney
User offline. Last seen 14 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
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They are. Shortly after 19 rolled out the master E-MEM somehow got switched to GV mode. They caught it a few weeks later, after a bunch of us got hosed by it. Thankfully the effects would still work, but you could not edit them.
[quote="Courtney"]1With the exception of a short time when 19 was running in DD mode, my shows have worked on both trucks.[/quote] I thought all the MTVG/BTN Kayak's are supposed to be in DD mode? That's what Dale told me anyway when I did my first show on his truck back in Sept.
User offline. Last seen 14 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
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I think they may, I haven't had any problems going between the two. I am on 19 today, I will check with Joe to find out for sure.
Jochen Huegel
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Hi, Do you know if both trucks have the same network setup? So the same IP-Addresses? Jochen
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17 and 19 are identical until you get to the robo cameras that don't really exist. With the exception of a short time when 19 was running in DD mode, my shows have worked on both trucks.
Aren't 17 and 19 the trucks that have the same routing, with 18 being the outlier? That may explain it? I've been on all three in the past three months and I've had to re-patch everything on every show. My crosspoints have never loaded correctly, hence my question to Mike.
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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hmm... most of my shows look to have been 17. i didn't get 18 until last month and haven't had 19 since sept.
User offline. Last seen 9 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Jan 2007
Hmmm...I have several setups save to my USB stick, and have switched between BTN 17 and 18 with only one problem: my macros didn't load on 17. Other than that it's been fine. I'm using a Lexar 4GB stick, and have a 2GB backup. You might try re-formatting the stick, then save a setup loaded from the hard drive. You can modify from there.
Jochen Huegel
User offline. Last seen 2 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 23 Sep 2005
Hi Chris, here is one think you have to know if you transfer a application from on switcher to the next. The IP-Address is saved in the application, and the panel will not load it, if it has a different address (I will not load the macros for example). The get it loaded you have to change the IP in the config before loading. You can do this in: Config - Appli control - If you have insert your USB-stick, you can see you applications. Select the appli you want to use, and klick on edit device. Now change the IP of the Mainframe and the of the Panel. Then it should go. If you load/save the application to you PC, be sure that the TFTP-Server Program on your PC is running (Start - DD35 - TFTP-Server). If it is not running you saved appli is empty! Best regards Jochen
I asked Mike Betts, my Kayak instructor at GV, about this, and this was his reply... There are four files that you can save: Config/Appli - All E-mems, DVE effects etc most of what you need - source and key mapping if you are in DD mode, source mapping only if you are in GV mode) Install/Panel/Misc - envir Save Install/E-box/Misc - envir Save - source definitions (with keys if you are in GV mode) These are the source name and other engineering functions - ususally specific to the truck - only one per USB stick Personal settings/ Save - only what is in this menu - mainly macro attachments. - only one per USB stick hope that helps.