Chyron HyperX 2
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Hello All:
Our station is investigation purchasing 2 Chyron HyperX 2 - with Lyric pro so a total of 4 channels.
the general idea is that 2 channels will be used for things generallly associated with a CG such as lower thirds and fullscreens; and the other 2 channels will be used for things generally associated with a still store/clip player such as OTS, CHKEY walls, feeding monitors etc. We also already have 2 channels of Xclyp DDR used mainly for transitions / opens / bumps etc...
I was wondering how other stations are handling using a chyon hyperx as a "still store" type device. the downfall appears to be in the lack of a database to search and perhaps slightly less than perfect playlist capability without having thumbnails in the list during playout. I believe right now we are thinking of buying the "quarterback" add on that is suppose to help some with browsing and organizing the lyric messages.
I am not sure exactly how all of this will playout and I am looking for how other stations deal with an art department sending OTS and some fullscreen elements, and a director browsing for and giving the TD a graphics list of these elements, and ofcourse the TD making this list assigning channels and getting things on air. Currently our art dept. creates and numbers graphics in a these numbers to the director who makes a graphics list...and then the TD makes a playlist for air.
I am afraid that the quarterback option might not be enough for our workflow and we may need to have something more powerful like their "camio" solution.
I guess hearing how other stations just get a simple OTS on the air with a hyper X system would be helpful. If the art dept. makes the still overlay part of an OTS how does this make it on air. Does an operator have to go in and take the piece from art and lay it over an OTS background??? can the art dept. assign that still overlay a number or does it have to be called up and "imported" into a lyric message?
Any ideas/insights would be helpful
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Dan, I'm also running the Mac M1 with Windows 10 ARM on Parallels, and was able to get it to...