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User offline. Last seen 15 years 11 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 6 Sep 2005

Does the ClipStoreMXc allow for multi-point loops?

Douglas J
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User offline. Last seen 10 years 39 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 13 Nov 2006
Hi John, Sorry for my delayed reply. Currently, there is no "multi-point loop" capability in the CSMXc. However, we are working on a feature that will provide this functionality when the CSMXc is controlled via PBUS protocol from a switcher (or any device supporting PBUS protocol). Unfortunately, this new scheme will not allow the CSMXc to be controlled with multi-point loops from the Lance TDC-100. The reason: the TDC-100 mainly utilizes Sony protocol for most control functions--but for the mult-point loop feature, the TDC-100 uses Odetics protocol for that particular command; and the CSMXc does not support Odetics protocol. We expect to have the PBUS multi-point loop functionality implemented within the next couple of months, when we will have another software release for the CSMXc. This multi-point loop will also work from the NetPanel GUI (with no remote control).

Douglas Johnson
Chief Product Manager, Abekas