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Kalypso Background as Tele

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Dan Berger
User offline. Last seen 14 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2005

So as someone suggested here before (or another TD somewhere), I started using the Color Background generator as my tele fill. It works great on a Sony 8000, cause I can just go into the V/K assignments and map the BG into the fill side of the tele. But on a Kalypso last week, the only way I could think of doing this was to re-enter the background into a input on the switcher, i.e. ask the EIC to physically patch an output back into an input. Then it's easy, in the Engineering menu assign that output as the BG, then change the input so the tele is the key signal for that input. Is there an easier way to do this in the menu source patch, etc., so I don't have to ask the EIC to patch the switcher for me? It wasn't a big deal to him, but other EIC's don't like doing that kind of stuff for me sometimes, or they won't allow you in the Engineering menu, or... I would do a split key, but then you can run into source memory problems if you forget to set it up correctly, etc. I want a straight linear key input in the switcher.

--- Dan

Mike Cumbo
User offline. Last seen 3 years 24 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
Dan, you do what I do. I usually take an aux, feed whatever BG I want on it and have the EIC just re-enter it. The only engineers I have ever had serious issues with were two guys from Mira. I hope never to work with them again.