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E-MEM timeline question...

6 replies [Last post]
Michael Nice
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User offline. Last seen 14 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 12 Jan 2008

Sorry for another kind of dumb question. I am working on a 2.5 M/E Zodiak. When I make an DPM Effect on which a key flies across the screen like most effects to replay for example and I want the video sources to switch underneath the move when it is "full screen" I can't seem to get the Background bus to cut, it always does a dissolve. I have tried setting the auto trans to 0 frames and it still doesn't work. any thoughts as to why this isn't working...


Michael Nice
Michael Nice's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 12 Jan 2008
I forgot about the E-MEM menu option, thanks bob!
User offline. Last seen 10 years 28 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Aug 2005
I'm not sure if this is the problem you are having but do you have a dummy keyframe on the pgm bus where you want the trans to start. and the next keyframe one field after that where the trans will end.
Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
You can change interpolation paths on the background buses & transition. Go into the E-MEM menu, then select PATH, then select the M/E that you want, select the transition icon (you may have to scroll to find it), and change the path to HOLD. That'll cause the transition to be a cut rather than a dissolve.

Bob Ennis

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How exactly are you doing the cut? When you built the timeline, did you hit the cut button and insert a keyframe or do you have a macro in a timeline that's doing the cut for you?
Michael Nice
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User offline. Last seen 14 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
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hey Dan thanks for your quick response...I don't think I can change the interpolation settings on a bkg bus because the transform engines only work with the keyers. but I could be wrong on that. and as to your extra keyframe Idea, I did do that and it still didn't seem to do the trick. it would still dissolve and just continue on past the extra keyframe.
Dan Berger
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Never seen a Zodiak, but if you can change the path on the BG, try changing it to Hold instead of linear, curve, or s-linear, or... Or have one key frame for your cut that is 1 frame long. --- Dan