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Need Kalypso playtime in Los Angeles Area

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 6 Feb 2008

Hey guys and gals.

I've used GVG switchers for centuries (1600, 300, 4000) and for last 4 years Sony (7350) but I am doing a shoot soon that has me using a Kalypso. I would like to play on one so I won't be surprised walking into the truck.
I need to do this before March.

So does anyone out there use or know of a facility that has a Kalypso that I can sit at for an hour or so.

Anywhere in the Los Angeles/Orange County area.


User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Jun 2007
Ed, Good thing for every to have. However, I keep getting a runtime error when starting Kalypso after installing Menu on PC. Anyone else with this issue? Work arounds? Thanks! Jon
Ed Collins
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 16 May 2006
Since I'm from Ohio I don't know of any Kalypsos that you can sit and play with on the west coast, but you might want to consider installing the menu on your PC. There is also a Frame simulator that will emulate a frame connection. I know it?s not nearly as good as sitting behind the real thing, but if you don?t get that opportunity then this might help. Since you already know the 4K the basics of the Kalypso are the same. Steps for Using the Frame Simulator: Here is the link for the GVG software download page: . If you download v15 (or any other version) there is a folder called Menu on PC. You can install the menu from that folder or you can launch the main install program (in the root directory ? setup.exe). If you install from the menu on PC folder this will automatically place the Menu on PC program in your startup folder ? which you might not want - otherwise use the ?setup.exe? program and follow the prompts for Menu On PC installation. After installing Menu On PC there is a folder in your original download called HDFrameSimulator. Launch the ?main.exe? program and this will launch the frame simulator. Then launch the Kalypso menu (there will be an icon on your desktop after installing Menu on PC). On the Kalypso menu go to ENG Setup/System/Suite Def. Enter the following IP address for the frame: You then need to exit the Kalypso menu then re-launch it. Once it is back up it will act as if there is a frame attached. It?s not exactly as if a frame were connected, but the menu is exactly the same menu that you use for the Kalypso so it should help. Ed
Sports TD & Free Lance GVG