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Ross TD's

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NYC Television ...
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Given the recent threads about Ross switchers and lack of qualified Ross TD's, I thought I'd follow Les's lead to let you all know I too would gladly accept any Ross jobs in the NYC metro area and beyond.

I suspect I am not alone in this regard, so if there are other qualified Ross Td's on the site please let yourself be known here in this thread ? who knows it might lead to a gig.

[quote="Les"]....Not sure why you would turn down work, but if you do could you let me know. I would be glad to work on a truck with a Ross switcher. I have done a couple of different Ross installations on trucks and stadiums. If you don't want the work I will take it. ....[/quote]

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I wrote this in another fourm, but thought I would repost here... I have a Synergy 2 (and a 1) switcher (S/N F551418020) and am having a hard time connecting / controlling my Alcorn McBride DVM2 mpeg player. The VTR control has been purchased and unlocked, and the remote I am using has been properly configured following the inst manuals. The mpeg player has also been configured to talk to the switcher. The screen flashes "VTR TIMEOUT", any help would be appreciated!
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Thanks Les. Ryan, the top trainer for Ross, informed me last week at NAB that a very near future version of software will have "solid builder" added. I have indeed been "playing" on a Synergy at my workplace. But this Synergy will be replaced by the end of the year with a Vision Quattro. I believe that I too will have a Ross Vision Quattro in my new HD control room when my show goes HD by the "end of the year." After "playing" with a vison at NAB, I discovered that it is a little more TD user friendly. So Les I will, in my spare time, go and build a slab with the Synergy.
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[quote="ai21"]it all makes sense but unfortunately no one has time to answer questions or give info about the things that are going on. product of the unorganization of the station. so heres another issue anyone ever deal with? We are using an automatic tally system to run graphics. Once the graphic goes off air, it reads to the next one. Some times when we put in a super or whatever, it double or triple reads. So when I put in the weather persons name, it will be there for a split second then itll flash the next two or three graphics in line before i can get it out. Apparently they say its with the auto trans button that is sending a double pulse at random times. then engs put the switcher on an oscilloscope and couldnt find the problem. oh yeah, the graphics are being run by I-News and DekoMos. Should we use the switchers CG control instead of a peripheal device? Synergy 2.5 is the panel.[/quote] Your issue with the stills is that the signal comming in is using Super Black. The Targa Format does not support this. If you have the Deko op "export" the files to Targa format then the Deko will compensate and output with black. Then transfer the files over the network to the switcher. This will solve the problem of the "darkend" keys.
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Object builder is not in the Synergy MD or the Vision DVEs. However you can turn on Two Channels of DVE in a Keyer using the Channel Management button and then build a slab that way. Just insert keyframes as you go. Also you can build multiple Sequences at the same time. So as you build one on Key 1 you could build one on Key 2 to allow you to do a 4 sided box. Then you have a memory ready that has a sequence loaded into Key 1 and a Sequence loaded into Key 2. Have SEQ button and KEY 1 KEY 2 selected in the trans area. Then press Auto Trans and you will be good to go.
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tvtd4u Been playing around with the Vision for a few weeks now, and have been thinking about that myself. As of right now, I don't think it's possible to run a sequence on two different keyers simultaneously. You do have two channels on each keyer however that can be run in sync during a sequence. There is a lot more you can do on the Vision as opposed to the Synergy, but as I'm finding out, slabs and cubes are the exception. The Object Builder (which I was just beginning to play around with on the Synergy) was left off the Vision.
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Hey guys and gals....Currently I use an old Sony (7350) and have used GVGs all my life (1600/300/4000/Kalypso) but looking in my crystal ball I sense that I may be using a Ross-Vision soon. I have been playing on one (no training) and have a question. I want to build a multiple channel (Key) effect. Is there a way of building a timeline (Sequence) for both keys at the same time. I built an effect but had to build on each channel (key) separately. This is something that would be difficult if you are building a slab or cube. Also I am ?training? ?practicing? on a Ross Synergy. But we might get a ?Vision.? If there is any difference between the two.? Thanks.
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I ll pass the info on to the engineers. Its their call. I didnt even know they were setting it up to do what its doing until i came to work and saw it set up. So Ill let em know about the second option thanks. I also got a call from someone at ross who saw the posting as well and they think its a common software problem and are addressing it on their end as well at a few different stations.
Hot potato is a different game when the people playing are starving. Then its more like, "my potato!"
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ai21, I would just change it from using the tally system to using 2 GPI triggers out of the switcher. Then you can have two buttons that allow you to advance/reverse the Rundown as you move through it. Most of the time the reason for doing this is because iNews allows you to create the DekoMos Rundown in Control Air. Deko only allows for 1 Device to issue III commands over serial control. So if you want the rundown created in iNews then you have no choice but to use Control Air and not the switcher to control it. In that case a couple of GPI triggers would allow you to control how Control Air advances and not require some tally conversion system.
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it all makes sense but unfortunately no one has time to answer questions or give info about the things that are going on. product of the unorganization of the station. so heres another issue anyone ever deal with? We are using an automatic tally system to run graphics. Once the graphic goes off air, it reads to the next one. Some times when we put in a super or whatever, it double or triple reads. So when I put in the weather persons name, it will be there for a split second then itll flash the next two or three graphics in line before i can get it out. Apparently they say its with the auto trans button that is sending a double pulse at random times. then engs put the switcher on an oscilloscope and couldnt find the problem. oh yeah, the graphics are being run by I-News and DekoMos. Should we use the switchers CG control instead of a peripheal device? Synergy 2.5 is the panel.
Hot potato is a different game when the people playing are starving. Then its more like, "my potato!"
Bob Ennis
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[quote="ai21"]so i tried the methods you guys suggested and those were the same things i have been trying and nothing. what doesnt make sense is i stored something yesterday and it recalled clean. then i changed it to some other ones, and some were clean and some were dirty. should i download the new software as a start or will that not effect it? also, Shaped/ Unshaped; can someone explain-i dont deal with or switch that around much. I stored one Shaped just to see and didnt notice a difference.[/quote] Basically, unshaped video is where the fill signal is larger than the key signal. Shaped video is where the fill is the same size as the key signal. Different switchers have different nomenclature for this...for example, in a SONY it's referred to as CLEAN KEY, on DD's it's ADD, & with GV switchers it's called SHAPED. ROSS may have its own name for it. The key signal always does all of the work and never changes size, no matter how many times the key is re-keyed (unless you play around with clip & gain) - most switchers will try & multiply the fill times the key when they key a source. If the edges of your key signal ramp from white to black, this will cause soft key edges, and this is the technique that devices use to create semi-transparent drop colored shadows. When the ket ramps to black, you normally want the video levels of the fill to maintain their levels while they gradiate to transparancy...that's the reason for unshaped video...so the fill needs to be larger than the key. Once a keyer has processed the fill/key signal, the extra fill video is cut off, so the fill is now the same size as the key - this is called shaped video. If the key is ramping to transparency, the excess fill is now gone, so it also ramps to black, just like the key signal does. If the switcher tries to multiply the fill times the key again, the result is black edges around the key. Thus many switchers give you a mode to do an additive key, which keeps the softness of the edges without them going to black. If a device like a CG can accept a background input & key on top of it, then its key is pre-processed, meaning that it's already coming to you as Shaped - or if you key something once in the switcher, it is now a shaped key from then on. If your CG does not use soft edges or transparent colored drop shadows, you probably won't notice a difference. That may be why you're not seeing anything. Even if shaping doesn't make sense, there's only three possible combinations that can happen in a keyer...playing around with the Shaping ON or OFF will normally solve the problem: (1) White edges around the key - An Unshaped key is being additively keyed...turn ON shaping to fix. (2) Black edges around the key - A Shaped key is being mutiplicatively keyed...turn OFF shaping to fix. (3) Key looks OK - either an unshaped key is being multiplied OR a shaped key is being additively keyed...in either case, leave it alone if it looks good.

Bob Ennis

Silvio Bacchetta
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[quote="ai21"]also, Shaped/ Unshaped; can someone explain-i dont deal with or switch that around much. I stored one Shaped just to see and didnt notice a difference.[/quote] It is explained pretty well in the Kayak manual, try and download it for a full explanation. I quote a passage: 2.10.2 Shaping Video In the matte key example above, the key fill signal was a full raster color that did not match the shape of the key cut signal. This key fill signal is accurately called nonshaped video, but may also be referred to as unshaped video since both signal types are processed identically during keying. Some external devices (e.g., character generators) provide a key cut signal and an already processed companion key fill signal. A key fill signal that correctly matches the key cut signal is called shaped video. During keying, properly shaped key fill video can be summed with a background signal (with a hole cut) and achieve the desired result. The appropriate key mode for this type of signal is the additive key. If a key fill does not match the hole in the background (like in the matte key example above), the key fill needs to be shaped by the switcher. By multiplying the key fill signal with the key control signal the unwanted areas of the fill can be made black, shaping the video to match the hole before it is summed with the background. Key fill video must be shaped using the key cut signal actually used to create the hole in the background. Video shaped with a different key cut signal will not key correctly. The appropriate key mode for this type of signal is the Linear key or Luminance Key. See section 2.10.17 Properly and Improperly Shaped Video for more information. Note that an unshaped signal viewed directly will show harsh edge artifacts due to dividing by a small number. This is normal and expected. Keying this signal will clean up its appearance. Hope it helps.
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so i tried the methods you guys suggested and those were the same things i have been trying and nothing. what doesnt make sense is i stored something yesterday and it recalled clean. then i changed it to some other ones, and some were clean and some were dirty. should i download the new software as a start or will that not effect it? also, Shaped/ Unshaped; can someone explain-i dont deal with or switch that around much. I stored one Shaped just to see and didnt notice a difference.
Hot potato is a different game when the people playing are starving. Then its more like, "my potato!"
Brian Ford
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[quote="Les"]One of the things that I have used with 8.0 is Multiple custom controls. You can now run up to 10 at the same time. You can even embed them in other custom controlls---Great for replay and server effects where you build the main Macro and then call it up somewhere in the other macro. During a game this allowed us to go Back to Back on the same server channel since the Animation would cover up the server channel during it's cue/play portion of the macro. Also Matrix/Modulation wipes were added as I guess someone wanted them. Also Heart and Star wipes so you don't need to use a DVE Heart or Star anymore. Bus Hold Crosspoint was also added. This was a feature in the Synergy 4 SD switcher we had before the Vision 4 on the truck and so it appears to have made it's way on as well--Basically allows you to assign a xpt as a source hold button during Mem Recalls. oh also a new output type that will follow the auxbus that you are controlling on the switcher. Kinda like how the Preview Bus works but for the aux bus. Whatever bus I am controlling that monitor will track with it. I am sure there is more than just that I am just going off the top of my head.[/quote] Ability to Copy/Move macro's as well.. and some new Insert Specials for the custom controls.. "Cut Key" being the most useful one ever. It allows you to force a keyer to a certain state in a macro. Rather than just recording the Cut button on the keyer which could cause it to get out of sync if you ran the macro while the key was in the opposite state of what you expect; the "cut key" special cmd allows your macro to force the key to be on or off.
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One of the things that I have used with 8.0 is Multiple custom controls. You can now run up to 10 at the same time. You can even embed them in other custom controlls---Great for replay and server effects where you build the main Macro and then call it up somewhere in the other macro. During a game this allowed us to go Back to Back on the same server channel since the Animation would cover up the server channel during it's cue/play portion of the macro. Also Matrix/Modulation wipes were added as I guess someone wanted them. Also Heart and Star wipes so you don't need to use a DVE Heart or Star anymore. Bus Hold Crosspoint was also added. This was a feature in the Synergy 4 SD switcher we had before the Vision 4 on the truck and so it appears to have made it's way on as well--Basically allows you to assign a xpt as a source hold button during Mem Recalls. oh also a new output type that will follow the auxbus that you are controlling on the switcher. Kinda like how the Preview Bus works but for the aux bus. Whatever bus I am controlling that monitor will track with it. I am sure there is more than just that I am just going off the top of my head.
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we are using software 7.1. i have heard that 8.0 is out now. Should we use it? I suggested it to our Chief Eng and unfortunately not to his control, theyve had bigger fish to fry than to upload the new software. Whats all on the 8.0? anyone know?
Hot potato is a different game when the people playing are starving. Then its more like, "my potato!"
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[quote="Brian Ford"]Ian, This sounds like you have a synergy SD system. With that type of system you had to save it with autoselect and fly key on.. BUT with the newer Synergy MD-X systems, the stills are not captured through the keyers instead they are captured on an aux bus. If you select a source that has an alpha associated with it then it will capture both.[/quote] Good to know. Yes, our switcher is SD. It would be nice to capture on the fly.
Brian Ford
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[quote="IanY"]When you save a still with alpha attached, the panel should automaticaaly recognize the alpha, as when you recall it, it shows up your source as having two channels, one for the image, and one for the alpha to follow. ai21, another method is to try saving it like Brian said, when auto select is toggled on, plus save it with fly key on. I saved a few stills like this and they haven't failed me.[/quote] Ian, This sounds like you have a synergy SD system. With that type of system you had to save it with autoselect and fly key on.. BUT with the newer Synergy MD-X systems, the stills are not captured through the keyers instead they are captured on an aux bus. If you select a source that has an alpha associated with it then it will capture both.
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When you save a still with alpha attached, the panel should automaticaaly recognize the alpha, as when you recall it, it shows up your source as having two channels, one for the image, and one for the alpha to follow. ai21, another method is to try saving it like Brian said, when auto select is toggled on, plus save it with fly key on. I saved a few stills like this and they haven't failed me.
Brian Ford
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[quote="ai21"]hey guys heres a question. I have been grabbing stills to use in the switcher so that when our Deko crashes as it does alot, I can quick refer to the stillstore of the same graphic. Well some of them are lower thirds. Some of them recall clean and lately half of them have been recalling dirty. There has been a Gain shadow around the lower third and Ive had to unlock the Key Mem and adjust all of them. Then it doesnt save when I re-recall that graphic. Software or hardware issue? The most frustrating thing is that lower thirds that I did a long time ago, all come up clean as ever.[/quote] The other thing to check is the Shaped vs Unshaped setting in the stillstore properties menu. If set wrong you can sometimes end up with a small outline around the key.
Brian Ford
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[quote="ai21"]hey guys heres a question. I have been grabbing stills to use in the switcher so that when our Deko crashes as it does alot, I can quick refer to the stillstore of the same graphic. Well some of them are lower thirds. Some of them recall clean and lately half of them have been recalling dirty. There has been a Gain shadow around the lower third and Ive had to unlock the Key Mem and adjust all of them. Then it doesnt save when I re-recall that graphic. Software or hardware issue? The most frustrating thing is that lower thirds that I did a long time ago, all come up clean as ever.[/quote] What version of software are you running? I'm not sure why they would capture dirty.. Are you capturing with the alpha channel by placing it on an aux bus and choosing that as the source for the capture? I can't remember 100% but I think the clip/gain get saved in the still store metadata.. So after putting the still on a keyer and adjusting the clip/gain, try storing the settings by holding down autoselect and pressing the keymem button. I think this will associate the current clip/gain settings with the still so that whenever you call up that still in the future the keyer will use the stored clip/gain settings. IF thats not the case, then check the StillStore Properties menu and see if there is a clip/gain setting in there.. The other thing to check is after capturing the image, use the frame's network connection to drag the still over to a PC and check if it looks corrupted in the .tga file that gets captured..
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oh yeah, synergy 2.5 is the switcher im having the problem on.
Hot potato is a different game when the people playing are starving. Then its more like, "my potato!"
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hey guys heres a question. I have been grabbing stills to use in the switcher so that when our Deko crashes as it does alot, I can quick refer to the stillstore of the same graphic. Well some of them are lower thirds. Some of them recall clean and lately half of them have been recalling dirty. There has been a Gain shadow around the lower third and Ive had to unlock the Key Mem and adjust all of them. Then it doesnt save when I re-recall that graphic. Software or hardware issue? The most frustrating thing is that lower thirds that I did a long time ago, all come up clean as ever.
Hot potato is a different game when the people playing are starving. Then its more like, "my potato!"
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I am a Ross user as well, WI. Anyone who knows any trucks that are in need of TDs, let me know. Synergy 2.5.
Hot potato is a different game when the people playing are starving. Then its more like, "my potato!"
Michelle S.
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I use a GVG 250. It rocks.
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I work out of Toronto and currently use a Synergy 2MD as well as a Synergy 3...as well as a Vision


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Another Ross TD here in Central California. We work with a Ross Synergy 3 panel at my station.
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In Salt Lake City, Count me as the Few , the Proud ...... the Ross.....
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I am in fact a TD that can use Ross products based out of Memphis, TN.