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gvg3k white flash transition

2 replies [Last post]
Justin Jaquays
Justin Jaquays's picture
User offline. Last seen 9 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 3 Jul 2006

wanted to know how you guys would approaching this fundamental thing. i would like to do a 3-5frame white flash transition between two xpoints on a grass 3000. i can come close by doing a fine mosaic wipe pattern with the borders as wide and as white as they can go. but it is still a bit awkward looking. am i missing something obvious? tell me what you think.


Justin Jaquays

Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
We used to use a square wipe with border, play with the border soft and width, etc. It looked like a flash, and allowed you to go with or clean without multiple emems.
Scott Dailey
User offline. Last seen 14 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Aug 2005
Hi Justin, If you are talking about an old fashion white flash like we used to do on GVG 300's it's like this. Make a Color Generator white and place it in the switcher as a crosspoint. Select the transition rate for your effect, make sure crosspoint holds are OFF. Select the Color Generator on the A side of your Buss, (I ususally do the B side as well) . Now , learn your emem as follows. LEARN-EFFECTS DISSOLVE-Register Number. To execute the efffect, hold down the source you want to go to on the B-buss. Hit the emem. The switcher will take the Color Generator and dissolve to the source you are holding down. (hold it down for at least the duration of the effect). You can build different versions to go with or without fonts. This version is a Take-Dissolve. You can do a Dissolve-Dissolve version with a Timeline or a Sequence. I hope I answered your question. Scott