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PGM/PVW Output

4 replies [Last post]
Clint Hendricks
User offline. Last seen 14 years 24 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Sep 2005

Hello All:

We have been starting to build effects and set-up our Kalypso Classic V. 14.

Suddently we are having problems with the program output of M/E 4 - Pgm/PVw.

We have the ouput setup as using the "switched output"

and no matter what we are currently doing all we can get is the on-air PGM A output in the preview monitor. When doing a transition the correct preset source and keys goes on air......the preview monitor reflects this during the transition - but as soon as the transition is complete it again flips back to PGMA....

We can send other previews for m/e1....m/e2.....m/e3.... etc.... but as soon as we get to PGM/PST it is not working correctly.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


Ed Collins
User offline. Last seen 15 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 16 May 2006
Sorry I haven't checked this forum for awhile. It sounds as if you have everything figured out. Maybe the menu freeze did have something to do with it - although we hate to hear about menu freezes! Ed
Sports TD & Free Lance GVG
Clint Hendricks
User offline. Last seen 14 years 24 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Sep 2005
Well - suddently - without any intervention - the PGM/PST preview is acting as expected. The only thing we can think of is that the menu did freeze and quit when changing key priority transitions - i don't know if it just took awhile for everything to synch back up???? Very strange - hopefully we don't notice it again -especially in a show once it is online! -clint
Clint Hendricks
User offline. Last seen 14 years 24 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Sep 2005
I was incorrect - I did mean "switched preview" - instead of output. In the switched preview when we select a different m/e - all the other M/Es show the correct preview it is just PGM/PST that shows the identical video that is on-air. I tried switching to the PP pa output and the same thing is observed. I have noticed that when fader bar is moved slightly to start the transition - then the correct/expected preview output appears [not as part of the transition but the full expected preview video]...until the transition is completed then the incorrect video once again shows. The transition is completing as shown in the LCD panel....and the HI tally...and the same behavior is observed with the auto trans. Just to make sure, we have tried re-calibrating the M/E 4 fader bar without any change. The only thing that we can think of that happened before we started having this issue is that we were experimenting with the Key Prior transition....that's the last thing we can think of that we did before the preview started displaying inccorectly. Any other ideas would be great - otherwise I guess it is off to GV support! Thanks, Clint
Ed Collins
User offline. Last seen 15 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 16 May 2006
Clint: I'm not exactly sure what you mean by the "switched output". There is one selection in the Output menu labeled ?Switched Preview?. That is actually the Lookahead Preview. It will show you the preview state of your transition panel. Simply put: it will show you what you get when you hit the cut, auto trans or move the transition lever arm. This Preview is dictated by what is selected on the Preview switcher (the row of 7 buttons just above the Key 1 bus on the PGM row). For example: if you have M/E-3 selected on the preview switcher the Switched Preview will show you the Lookahead state of M/E-3. The ?main? output of the PGM/PST (M/E-4) is under the ?fixed? selection labeled PP A. The other selections: PP B, PP C and PP D are other programmable outputs used for things such as clean feeds and split M/E outputs. If you want a traditional Preset of the PGM bus you would use PP pa (which stands for PGM/PST preview a). If you?ve already done all of this then you may have a hardware issue. Ed
Sports TD & Free Lance GVG