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StillStore in Kalypso Classic

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sausan's picture
User offline. Last seen 8 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 28 Mar 2007

Hi all
After replacing the faulty control board ,the StillStore appears in the the Versions menue with no Software Version,also in the Manue panel StillStore do not report either 109 or 1815 Total Cage Pages in the Cage UsagePane ,could you please advise how to solve the proplem of communication
Thanks alot .

Jay Foster
User offline. Last seen 15 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 25 Mar 2008
Is this a Kalypso Classic or HD/DUO? This could simply be do to a Software mis-match. You can try moving the boot dial switch on the still store to position 1. Reboot it. Now from the Kal Installer from Menu desk top run the Kalypso install. Choose install SW on Kalypso system, proceed up to where you can ping all nodes. Deselect all except Still Store. Ping it. If successful load software. If it is a HD DUO the still store could be at odds as after V14.x you have to upgrade and or down grade the Still store in pair with the frame CPU. Recommend you call into Service 1-800-547-8949 with frame SN and ask for help. Regards Jay