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kalypso and stillstor

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sausan's picture
User offline. Last seen 8 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 28 Mar 2007

Hi All
the software version for the new control processor (the old one was 9.1.5)is 12.0.0, StillStore doesnot work properly ,there is no output in program of the stillstore,also in statue&diags there is no version and date for the StillStore , there is ping in the stillstore,could you help to solve the proplem ,any suggestion will be appreciated .

Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
[quote="Dan Berger"]1st reset the SS board on the frame. If that doesn't work... 2nd, reset the entire switcher (should be done often anyway). --- Dan[/quote] According to the GV software engineers who worked on the Still Store, you should NEVER reset just the SS board. Likewise, you should NEVER use the UNLOCK ALL / UNLOAD ALL buttons in the Cache menu. The reason for this is because all of the "smarts" and control logic for the Still Store live on the Main Proc Board. The Unlock All / Unload All works just on the SS Board...doing this, or resetting just the SS board causes a "disconnect" between the Still Store recall mechanism (on the SS board) and the point of control (on the Proc Board). This is one of the reasons why thumbnails disappear, why a newly saved image doesn't show up in the list, why channels try to do phantom loads of stills that don't exist and why the Still Store can lock up altogether. We found all of this out years into the Kalypso's development - otherwise I doubt that the original designers would have ever put a reset button on the SS board itself. By the way, loading stills via macros bypass the main control logic, while E-Mems work within the logic: thus Macros + Stills = BAD; E-Mems + Stills = GOOD. If you're suspecting Still Store issues, ALWAYS reset the main Proc Board...it'll automatically reset the SS board. Maybe version 15 fixes this, although because it's a hardware-oriented thing, I would doubt it. But certainly with any software that's pre-version 15, use the Main Proc routine...it'll save you a lot of headaches. By the way, Sausan, double-check the ENG/SYSTEM menu - double check that the Still Store IP address is correct...not having the right IP address will mess up all SS communications & functionality.

Bob Ennis

Dan Berger
User offline. Last seen 14 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2005
We've all had many problems with the SS. 1st reset the SS board on the frame. If that doesn't work... 2nd, reset the entire switcher (should be done often anyway). Lastly, should be done anyway... v15 is out now with all new SS software, try that (at least v14). Makes the Kalypso sooo much more powerful anyway. --- Dan