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DME Mon and M/E PRO Outputs..

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Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005


I was wondering if someone could please help me understand this. Is there a way to either snapshot, macro, or KF the DME monitor output and/or the M/E Pro V/K outputs? I would like to use this output as part of an effect, but I need to have the effect put a specific DME channel down either one of these outputs every time...and only that channel. From the manual and also spending time trying to figure it out myself, it seems that these functions are dependent on what is physically assigned via the keyer module.

I am on an 8000...ver 5.42..no menu macros etc.

thank you,


Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
[quote="Curt"][quote="Bill D"]I saw this effect and I am confused :) hahahha[/quote] Dont you miss these emails from me??? hahahah This one is different... I should have just said in my initial post. I want to move the fill independent of the key on an internal DME. But when have you known me to ever write a short email! Curt[/quote] How can you move DME K seperate if using the DME monitor out then? Or you want to split key with original source and DME, I think I might understand now. Maybe have to rebuild and use externals differently. If you use internal for quad if you can still feed from aux bus once you send source from keyer, so it would be same way you feed now for externals. That is if you have DME 1-4 video on your Aux panel. Also I know you don't have the inputs but you could loop that keyer from the ME out and back into switcher then you could re-enter that. Seems like a lot of work for a video box to do that though. How is the animation going over the video, is DME just keyed over black hole on EVS animation, and then EVS keyed over video which has key opened where video is and then just shows you the swoopy GFX going over it? Now I think I am confused again from me.. later
Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
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[quote="Bill D"]I saw this effect and I am confused :) hahahha[/quote] Dont you miss these emails from me??? hahahah This one is different... I should have just said in my initial post. I want to move the fill independent of the key on an internal DME. But when have you known me to ever write a short email! Curt
Curt's picture
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Rick.. Funny you should mention that....That very topic has come up lately. Upgrading to 7.1 puts is something I think the ENG dept would like to do so all the switchers in the building are on the same Rev. Right now I think we are varied. . For where I work specifically we have 2 control rooms. One is an 8000 one an 8000A. We had to back rev the 8000a so we could crossload effects between rooms. A few months ago, Sony mentioned that you could do exactly what you said. So we are looking into wen to do that. Can't wait actually. That was part of the reason for my eariler post about what will be coming out at NAB. Didn't know if I should ask them to wait. I was told that if we waited, we would be on a different version....so I think we are going to 7.1X to get on track w/ everyone else. thank you Curt
Rick Edwards
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Curt, Your best bet here is to use a menu macro. I recall you said that you have a non-a 8000 that doesn't have it. You can still load V7.x into your Non-A 8000's panel. The panel is where the macros and menu macros happen. You'd just end up with version 5.x in your switcher and v7.1x in your panel. You'd also gain a lot of other new features, too. I would recommend contacting your -ehhh--- contact at Sony and they can help get you upgraded. RE
Bill D
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I saw this effect and I am confused :) hahahha
Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005
Hello, I need to do a split key w/ an internal DME channel and a channel of frame memory. .I need to move the fill w/out the key moving..like on the DVEous where you can move 1A (Fill), but not 1B (key). Since the split is upstream of the DME...it won't work. Ideally I could reenter the M/E 2 PRO V/K and split key that...but the switcher won't let me. ( doesn't want me to feed back). The DME Mon seems to allow you to re-enter...but I can't get it to be effect/SS/Macro based....I don't want to rely on me having to select it each time, or make sure it is there. Too much room to get "smoked"... I could take an output of the switcher w/ a key..over the util2 bus with black on it...then renter that...and split key that source..but I would rather not tie up too many inputs...( yes during election time we are using pretty much every input as I know will not come as a shock to either you or Bill. I think I had 2 free when we did Super Tuesday coverage) My external DME's are tied up...so I can't use those.. I can always use 2 M/Es...which is how i have it now...but it is a real waste for a video box..!! We had to just get it on air for a new look launch on Monday..now I am trying to do things a better way. thanks Curt
User offline. Last seen 10 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 10 Feb 2006
What effect exactly are you trying to accomplish?