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No frame Com on Kalypso

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 16 Oct 2006

I just had a "No frame Com" message on my kalypso. It seems that I lost all communications with main main control panel, my local and remote aux and my menu panel. After talking with the guys at GVG, we found out that the CPU on the frame proc board was probably overheating. After a quick check, we found out that the fans over the frame proc and the still store CPU had stopped. We managed to change both fans but the one on the frame proc wouldn't start. It seems that when the fans grips, it blows the Q1 transistor (thanks GVG) wich stops sending the 5V to the fan. Here's a quick fix. Use the floppy drive 5V power or any other power source. It might not be the best solution but we were able to broadcast our live show. We will change our boards as soon as possible.

User offline. Last seen 15 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 16 Oct 2006
We changed those fans not that long ago but when I received my replacement boards, I found out that we installed the wrong fans on the Proc and still. You say the replacement kit comes with instructions? I didn't have any. So we installed the fans that looked like the ones that were already there... Anyways, thanks to you Jay, you realy saved my butt on this one.
Jay Foster
User offline. Last seen 15 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 25 Mar 2008
True, But if some one has issue with customs duty Q1 can be obtained upon request. But it is a small surface mount part. If you?re unsure you can replace just the SBC1000 P3 sub module part 671644810 or the entire board. FYI Kal Classic Frame CPU, Kal HD/DUO Frame CPU, and KAL HD /DUO Still Store all use the sbc1000 processor module. Fan Kit with instructions is 075077500. But if you have not been doing PMI preventative maintenance Inspections you could get burned. Be sure to also check all sub processor cooling fans. RT, NT, Classic Still store, and Local Aux Panels. Note 075078010 for NT4.0 Menu Processors. And 075078010 for RT, Classic Still Store, and Local AUX CP. PMI's are important and should be done annually at a minimum.