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User offline. Last seen 7 years 32 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Oct 2005

Hello everybody,

I need to connect with my computer to upload animation graphic in the stillstore. But the first problem is how connect this lan? The mainframe have 2 ethernet connector. One for the panel and the other for the touch menu. If I disconnect the menu cable and put my computer, doesn't work, but I can upload with the Stillstore application a single frame. Can you illuminate me?

Thank you,


Jay Foster
User offline. Last seen 15 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 25 Mar 2008
Hi Enrick, Yes the Zodiak has 2 seperate LAN's The Menu PC is on the Facility Lan connection. You must get your own 100bt Either Net Switch and place it in between the menu and the Frame Facility Lan Connection. Connect you graphics PC to this Switch. Configure it to the Same Lan. I.E our default is 192.168.54.X where your PC Node address will be x an unused IP address between 2-254. Other wise you would have to change many address to move the facility LAN address. The other mnethod woul dbe to place a bridge PC with 2 NIC cards in between the Graphics LAN and the Zodiak Facility LAN. The Zodiak menu and Panel both have built in cross over switches so it does not matter if your CAT 5 cable is straight or xover. Cheers Jay