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Zodiak button tallies.

9 replies [Last post]
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 27 Mar 2008

We have a Zodiak running V7.0.1.1 software. We have noticed recently that when simply cutting along the PGM bus although the video cuts instantly when you press the button - there can sometimes be a small delay in the lamp tally 'underneath' the button coming on. The delay can be up to half a second. If you are cutting a fast moving show this can be very disconcerting as the button tally sometimes does not keep up with your button presses. We have tried the usual 'cure all' of a Novram clear but it has not helped.

The mixer does not get a lot of use and so this problem may have been there for quite some time with the problem going unnoticed. Any thoughts welcome. Regards, yt.

User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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In the end we nailed this. It turns out that the electrical components used to drive the RJ45 LAN outputs aren't up to the job - amazing but true. In the end we borrowed another completely separate Zodiak panel and crate and connected the Control panel to the main frame with a short ethernet cable. The problem still exhibited itself. The simple solution is to use an external ethernet hub to isolate and re-clock the ethernet output of the frame. When we inserted a hub the problem went away instantly. I'm really surprised that GVG did not know about this - it is clearly a problem with the production models. So, if your Zodiak has intermittant lamp tallies - try fitting an external hub in this LAN feed. We did not bother to fit a hub in the LAN feed from the crate to the Menu panel.
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
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Well not sure if software is the right term or not. In either case I have heard of instances of this on the Zodiak in the past (not a lot of them out there). If you look through old threads you will read some, will also read what others say about latest Kalypso version in recent threads Like most companies I have found they do not openly admit there is a problem like that, especially if it cannot be fixed.
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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Bill, thank you for your reply. If this is a software feature I am surprised there has not been much mnore mention of it. Naturally we have contacted Thomson/GVG tech support and they have not mentioned that it may be a software issue? As mentioned above the switcher frame is only connected to the tub and menu panel - there is no connection to any network. Thanks again.
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
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I think this is pretty normal for the Zodiak and definitly for the latest ver of Kalypso. I have been on and heard others who have seen this problem on a Zodiak. Unfortunately now the latest Kalypso update has added this issue to the Kalypso including emem recall. So hit emem it calls up the effect but the status of emem does not change immediately. If you have check the IP network it is on as Bob mentioned I think you are kind of stuck with this feature. Could try calling GVG tech support but not sure what you will learn.
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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Today we replaced the frame controller card - although the problem is very intermittent and we cannot induce it at will - after much button pressing we did eventually see the fault with the new card fitted. We pressed a button on the PGM bus and the cue lamp under the button took about a third of a second to come on - the video had cut instantly. I really do wonder whether this is a software issue? Any thoughts welcome (especially from Thomson/GVG!)
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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V7.0.1.1 is the latest software for the Zodiak. The software was loaded onto the mixer last July, but the mixer does not get a lot of use so there is the possibility that the problem may have been on the mixer since then and we have simply not noticed it - this assumes of course that it is software issue rather than an electronic fault. The problem is very intermittant to see and is not reproducable at will. We have tried another controller card in the frame and we believe the problem continues (although we are not 100% sure) The mixer has no other network devices connected to it - just the frame, control surface and menu panel.
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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I can't stand this issue on v15. It has made me double-clutch a couple of times. It's disgraceful in my opinion that they would let this out of the shop like that.
Bob Ennis
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Make sure that the switcher network is isolated from anything else. I have heard instances where the IT dept. did the connection, hooking up the switcher network to the company network...all of the network traffic slowed down the switcher response time.

Bob Ennis

Mike Cumbo
User offline. Last seen 3 years 24 weeks ago. Offline
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Is a recent release? On the Kalypso, v15, has brought the same issue up.