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Kayak Macor Issue

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 11 weeks ago. Offline
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I am doing a show on BTN 17 and I am having an issue creating macros using the panel. It appears that the 4 macro buttons an the panel are inactive. I can create macros using the side panal but that is all, is there a setting somewhere that turns off the panel functions?

Just a little background on this kayak, the EIC told me recently that the BGD and DPM buttons on the panel got flopped. I think it is the same issue but I can't find where to check to see it this is it.

Thanks for any advice you can give.

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Kenneth, What was the step you left out?
Hey Courtney, I'm now know it was my issue and not the panel. I sat down with the another TD after a football show on Sat. and he showed me the step of the process I was leaving out. Thanks for taking a look though. BTW-The show I had saved was labelled "BTN Soccer 11.xx.08"
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Ken, I am on 17 right now and I am not finding any problems with the macros. It is very possible your setup inherited something from another show as that was the issue that led to this thread last spring. I recommend that you start with the truck default and rebuild your show or load a show from a different truck and remap everything as the mapping and macros do not transfer trucks. Is your setup loaded on the truck hard drive? Maybe I can load it later today and take a look at it. Let me know, Courtney
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yep.... you can use the numeric pad to record macros just like recording emems, so maybe that can help. it will take a while to get a hang of the macro numbers... but just remember the buttons are 1 - 30 or so and then you can just rename them in the sidepanel. If you can't get into "macro" mode on the keyer/aux row you can also use the numeric pad to recall and play macros as well. a little bit of a pain... but way better than not having any macros!!! just in case anybody comes across this problem, here's how to record a macro with the numeric pad... - press the 'make' button and the key pad turns a whimsical green - turn off the 'direct' button (I think it's the 'bank' button on BTN trucks -- they have the alternate keypads in) - press the 'lock/learn' button to enter record mode... the buttons flash excitedly to tell you it's recording... build your macro... press 'lock/learn' when done. to play, and this is just like with emems, you can either be in 'direct' mode or not. if not... enter the macro number and press 'run' in direct mode... just press the number associated with the macro and away you go obviously you run in the problem of having to jump around banks (in direct mode) or pressing a tedious number of buttons (not in direct mode.) neither is ideal. maybe Mountain Mobile should just get their panel fixed!! (what you could do is use the multiple numeric pads of the different M/Es by setting each at a different bank... i know I, like most TDs, use those other keypads for snapshot emems (like Cam 1 clean, etc.)... the solution to that would be to record macros recalling those snapshots. just a thought... probably a millions ways better of doing this... sometimes my solutions are narrow minded!!
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i'm going to play with macros on the numeric pad right now...
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just out of curiosity, did you try just reloading the truck's default application and rebuild your show from scratch?? i don't know how i missed this thread last spring... and to still be having the problem! that's nuts!! also, keep in mind that you can use the numeric pad to assign and play macros. i'm not sure the button sequence to record them but it's probably just like recording emems and dpms from the numeric pad. so that might be a solution!!
[quote="Courtney"]I haven't had any problems on any of the BTN trucks this year. Make sure there arn't any macros assigned to any f the macro buttons. That was my problem last year. I some how acquired so macros from someone elses show and lost control of them. Let me know if you can't figure it out. I will be on 17 for football this weekend and will have plenty of time to trouble shoot. Courtney[/quote] Hey Courtney, There were 5 macros attached, thought I nuked them, but they kept flashing. I couldn't assign any of the macros I created on the sidepanel to the console. I spent my lunch on it, reading this forum and the manual, and still couldn't get it to work. It could be operator error, so I'd appreciate your opinion. There was a brief moment where I thought about trying to run them from the sidepanel but things were moving too quick for that. I don't know how anyone could do that. In the end I kept one, a "reset", to clear keys etc... on the P/P. Let me know what you find and have a good show.
User offline. Last seen 14 years 11 weeks ago. Offline
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I haven't had any problems on any of the BTN trucks this year. Make sure there arn't any macros assigned to any f the macro buttons. That was my problem last year. I some how acquired so macros from someone elses show and lost control of them. Let me know if you can't figure it out. I will be on 17 for football this weekend and will have plenty of time to trouble shoot. Courtney
I'm on 17HDX right now and I still can't attach any macros. Built them on the sidepanel but can't get them assigned to any buttons. Has anyone else tried this year, after the new s/w install?
User offline. Last seen 14 years 11 weeks ago. Offline
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That is exactly what it ended up being. For some reason my setup acquired these attached macros from someone elses show. I guess that is why they have a blinking option for attached macros. I never turn that option on and got screwed because of it. Lesson learned :) Thanks!
Andrew Raiche
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This has been a while but I'm curious about why you could not make macros on the panel? One way to disable the buttons is to have macros attached to them. Side Panel / Config / Attached Macros And then change the panel macro play mode to Macro only. Side Panel / Personality / MaKE Memo Attachment Playmode / Macros only
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[quote="Mongo"][quote="Courtney"]Ken, to build the macros in the side panal you have to go to install (i think) and rescan. That will make the ebox available on the side panel so you can build your macros there. I didn't really pursue that path because If the panel buttons arn't working how do you activate your macros.[/quote] Can you still attach them to other buttons?[/quote] I don't think so, but you can't use them anyway if you activate the macros. Unless there is something I am missing and there is a way around this issue. Did you notice that they improved that star wipe? There is actually a good place for your under dissolve now. I didn't really look at it till we were in the game and realized the effect was cutting off a little too soon. I started paying attention and they tweeked it just enough so it is not as hidious as the old one. Silvio, thanks for the info. I will pass it on to the EIC and hopefully he can take care of the issue.
BTW - In case any of you folks are doing baseball or softball on 17HDX... I saved my softball show as "BTN Softball 04.06.08". It's generic, but it does have a "tag box" built on key 4 of ME2 in case you need one and don't want to build it. It was built by the TD who did the BTN baseball show the day before (thank you!) and Chicago was happy with it. Also, it looks like the clipstore was purged recently, there were only 2 directories loaded from the "H" drive. One was BTN baseball specific, the other was BTN softball specfic. Take a good look at the fill for the "coming up". It didn't look right to me, and the director agreed, but that's what was in there. You might want to look through the Xfile and see if there is a different one.
Silvio Bacchetta
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[quote="Courtney"]I will check that out. Thanks. The EIC has no clue, it is up to the TD's to figure that stuff out on his truck.[/quote] It is a dream, TDs here barely knows what switcher they operates... I have found the test modes: 7.1.1 Local Panel Test Mode 1 (Button Test): Button combination: Black Preset + Trans Preview + BDG In this test mode, the logical address of the pressed button appears in the display. 7.1.2 Local Panel Test Mode 2 (LED Test): Button combination: Black Preset + Trans Preview + Key1 In this mode, the lamp of the pressed button is lit. The underfloor LEDs will be switched on and off with the neighbouring bright button. Special test buttons: BGD, Key1 - Key4 → Switch ?On? underfloor LEDs on Shift, Make (PGM+PST+Delegation) → Switch ?Uncal? underfloor LEDs on Key1 Cut / Key4 Cut → Switch the arrow (Fader) on 7.1.3 Local Panel Test Mode 3 (Group Test / On Air Highlight Test): Button combination: Black Preset + Trans Preview + Key2 In this mode, whole button groups are switched on and off by pressing any button in the group. In the key bus, program and preset can be also switched between white and red. 7.1.4 Local Panel Test Mode 4 (Connect Mode): Button combination: Black Preset + Trans Preview + Key3 This is no test mode, but a possibility to be connected to a mainframe without using sidepanel. Simply enter the last byte of the IP address and confirm with . Afterwards leave the test mode with Black Preset + Trans Preview + Key3, and then one can control the mainframe. 7.1.5 Local Panel Test Mode 5 (Colour Test): Button combination: Black Preset + Trans Preview + Key4 In this mode select a key group on the number block, and then select with the buttons Key1-4 the different colours (Key1 = white, Key2 = red, Key3 = green, Key4 = blue). The most groups have only white LEDs, the four bus rows are white and red and the number block has all four colours. Press the following transition buttons to change the brightness: DVE → Dark in large steps ADD → Dark in small steps Mix → Bright in small steps Wipe → Bright in large steps
User offline. Last seen 9 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
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[quote="Courtney"]Ken, to build the macros in the side panal you have to go to install (i think) and rescan. That will make the ebox available on the side panel so you can build your macros there. I didn't really pursue that path because If the panel buttons arn't working how do you activate your macros.[/quote] Can you still attach them to other buttons?
User offline. Last seen 14 years 11 weeks ago. Offline
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Ken, to build the macros in the side panal you have to go to install (i think) and rescan. That will make the ebox available on the side panel so you can build your macros there. I didn't really pursue that path because If the panel buttons arn't working how do you activate your macros. Mongo, a TD fixed the BGND/DPM issue but the EIC couldn't remember what menu he went into to fix it. I spent some time looking for this menu but had no luck. I think looking through the installation manual is probably the quickest way to get it fixed unless that same TD ends up back on that truck. Thanks everyone! Courtney
User offline. Last seen 9 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
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[quote="Courtney"]Just a little background on this kayak, the EIC told me recently that the BGD and DPM buttons on the panel got flopped. I think it is the same issue but I can't find where to check to see it this is it.[/quote] They STILL haven't fixed this? I reported this problem to them a month ago at Illinois.
Ha! Courtney, I just did BTN softball on 17HDX. Tried to build a couple of macros and had no luck, but I couldn't build them w/ the panel either. Could've been operator error, and luckily it wasn't critical.
User offline. Last seen 14 years 11 weeks ago. Offline
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I will check that out. Thanks. The EIC has no clue, it is up to the TD's to figure that stuff out on his truck.
Silvio Bacchetta
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I can't remember it now but there is a procedure (in the installation manual) that checks lamps and keys, the EIC should know it. It would allow to check if some key is not working.