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Kayak Keyer Copy / Telestrator

6 replies [Last post]

Working on the baseball shows coming through town, and having new issues to deal with we didn't encounter with BTN shows. Namely, the telestrator.

Right now to change the color of the telestrator we're just copying the Hue/Sat./Lum. on to a piece of paper and punching the settings in manually, modifying the current and doing that for each timeline. What's a better way to do this? First off, is there a "Keyer Copy" function (similar to the Kalypso) to save some time, or, can we change the Telestrator settings once, then use the define memo to leave them alone the rest of the show/timelines?


Thanks for both responses. Just wanted to make sure. Good point Mongo.
User offline. Last seen 9 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Jan 2007
[quote="RollItTakeIt"]Related question...for the BTN shows I've done I put the tele on key 4 of P/P and I don't build it into my master emems so nothing effects it. I manually put it in, and leave it in for 99% of the show. Never had a problem, but am I'm asking for trouble on a more complicated show?[/quote] Just make a macro that will change your key channel to black in case the tele goes down.
User offline. Last seen 14 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 15 Oct 2007
How is it more complicated to where this wouldn't work? I guess I can't think of where this would be an issue except in a dual feed environment where the keyer is being used for multiple sources.
Related question...for the BTN shows I've done I put the tele on key 4 of P/P and I don't build it into my master emems so nothing effects it. I manually put it in, and leave it in for 99% of the show. Never had a problem, but am I'm asking for trouble on a more complicated show?
Dan Berger
User offline. Last seen 14 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2005
I agree with Courtney... I've been using the background generator for a while now, it works great. That way from client to client each with their own color, it's just a matter of changing the BG color. On a Sony I just couple the tele as the key for the background. On a Kalypso (or 4000) I send the BG out an output & bring it back in as a separate source. I'm not sure which technique needs to be used on the Kayak. I believe there is a keyer copy on the side panel on the Kayak, but I don't remember. I know there's ME copy. Maybe a macro can be created to do what you need. --- Dan
User offline. Last seen 14 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 15 Oct 2007
Why not couple the tele key with a background from the switcher?