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show file question

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2 Feb 2006

I loaded a show the other day that I've used multiple times before without an issue.
This time however I ran into a problem. I assigned misc2 for my pbus lance triggers on this show file.
I made sure after loading my show that my emem prefs were set accordingly, but when I called up a register saved from my file, no Pbus comunication at all. Tried everything....remove and re-install device, loaded default engineering setup, etc... I quickly found that if I lock/learned a new register with Misc2, the Pbus worked. I had to rebuild all the timelines because of this. Not sure why however it didnt like my previously saved timelines with Misc2.

the swithcher was running V14.02 and I'm not sure what version my show file is saved on...could this be the reason, or did I just miss something.


Dan Berger
User offline. Last seen 14 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2005
Sounds like a version issue... maybe created in v15. I've also had weird issues where Pbus was assigned differently in the ENG menu compared to the Prefs & PBus menu, but sounds like you tried all that. I've also seen a weird issue where in the ENG menu, if you don't give the PBus device a name, it doesn't show up in the PBus menu. Also, you shouldn't have to recreate all your timelines. If you turn off Auto Recall, and delegate just Misc 2 (your PBus), you can then learn just that timeline, maybe just a modify will work. Then when you turn Auto Recall back on, it should work now. If not, recall the Emem, make sure Misc 2 is enabled if not, then hit Learn then Mod, that may work. -- Dan