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Fenced recording on still store

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User offline. Last seen 6 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 4 Sep 2005


Using Kalypso HD if I have a fill & key animation that runs say 17secs in duration, at full raster it won't fit in the KlipCache (according to the manual, maximun HD clip = 13sec).

Since it is a bug which only takes up a small amount of the screen, can I effectively increase the maximum duration of a clip in the KlipCache by fencing the animation before recording it? So if I select 1/4 fencing I could get a maximum duration of 52 secs?

I don't have access to the switcher so I'm wondering if I have interpreted the manual correctly?


Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
You are correct - Doing a fill/key animation cuts your available still store memory in half. Fencing extends the amount of available pages. For animated bugs I have been able to get away with fencing at 1/9 or even 1/16. However, when playing back a fenced bug, I have almost always seen a purple one-line bar that flashes at the top of the fenced animation. I have to use either keyer masking or still store cropping to eliminate this.

Bob Ennis