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Get/Put Issue on a 4k

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Jonny Boy
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 8 Nov 2006

Here's a weird one.

I'm working on a 4k. I've got about 60 FF effects to put in, I built the first one, then started to copy/get them to other emems, but the strange thing is, the emem state copies over, but none of the DPM KF's copy. Also, earlier in the day, I couldn't get the panel to clear emems, after a re-boot I was able to clear out what the last TD did not clear and was also unable to edit any KF's even though the emem's were not locked and the edit was slected as "enabled".

I must admit it's been awhile since I was on 4k, but I'm sure I have the key strokes down. Anyone had this issue before? Any fixes? Another re-boot maybe?

Any help or advice is appreciated, Thanks much!


Jonny Boy
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 8 Nov 2006
Thanks for the input Bill. I did have KF's available, so we ended up taking the switcher and wiping out it and I just started over. I did a save right before and reloaded, and it seemed to fix the problem. Thanks again!
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
DPM's keyframe stuff has been an issue. Did you check under emem menu how many DPM keyframes you had left. If you couldn't clear emems, I think this sometimes fell under the learn beep bug. If you tried to do a learn you get a beep like it is locked. Also didn't allow you to clear emems. I believe like all things on a 4K, frame reboot fixes the problem (atleast temporarily). This bug always appeared 2 minutes before air while you were trying to build something