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Advice for MVS-8000g purchase

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I'm a TD at a station that just found out it's about go HD and purchase a MVS-8000g ..."loaded" I'm told.

Here's our current equipment list:

DD35 4m/e's, a dual twin ch. Dveous, 4 channels of Xclyps(contolled w/p-bus) , 4 channels of still store, 4 channels of Avid air speed for plybk
(The Dveous and still stores will not be making the format conversion)

We're real heavy macro users w/p-bus commands w/our Xclyps for the 100+daily animated transition we use.

Any advice from the actual users from the T.D. side of things (i.e. what options we'll need)...assuming money was no object? Or what options you guy's have and never use? How painful the learning curve will be?


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[quote="Mike Ser"]Back to the 2nd FM card: I know it was asked, but I may have missed the answer...What's the cost?[/quote] Here's the info from Sony on the second FM, as well as what the 8 "monitor" outputs do on the 8000G. -The list price on a second FM card is $25,500 -The 8 monitor outputs are exactly like monitor outs on a router. They can output any input. In other words, you can router IN16 to MONOUT1 but you cannot route PGM to the same monitor output. It?s just a direct pathway from inputs to outputs.
Curt's picture
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[quote="jbs"]...... We came from a Grass 3000 where the timeline run button was at the very bottom right corner, so I made a "macro take" button on the bottom right button of the utility box to simulate that at first and stuck with it ever since. We also swapped the auto trans and cut buttons around because we were used to GVG (we were going for smoothest transition possible!)[/quote] We came from 4k's...and put a run macro button in the bottom right for the same reason. Figured you didn't need to see it, you just know it is there, since you can't really see that bottom corner w/out moving over. We also swapped auto/cut. Also helps when you do something on a GVG on the road. -Curt
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I'm at a Fox property also and we went on with our "A" January '07. Wish we could have waited for the "G", but turns out we're in the group getting sold, so... Utility box = yes! We have ours as the last module in the p/p bank on the panel. THEN we realized it was hard to read from there but we're all used to it now. Most of the TDs at my station use it for macro clip transitions, leaving shotbox access to the flexipads. We came from a Grass 3000 where the timeline run button was at the very bottom right corner, so I made a "macro take" button on the bottom right button of the utility box to simulate that at first and stuck with it ever since. We also swapped the auto trans and cut buttons around because we were used to GVG (we were going for smoothest transition possible!) We only had three flexipads in the beginning but got a fourth for p/p a few weeks later after installation and proved to be a good decision. That left us putting our preview/fade to black module (not exactly sure what its officially called) on the backsplash - none of us ever use fade to black. I remember the chief E specified only 24 outputs and I knew right then that we'd need WAY more than that, so he wrangled 24 more from corporate - and we're using about 75% of them so far. Are you getting multi program 2? I saw multi program but didn't see the "2". Thats the software that allows splitting MEs in half. At any rate, they're very powerful especially with "ME recall config" turned ON - this allows you to change the configuration of the ME and its outputs with a snapshot or in a timeline. We have the A with 6 DMEs - two external, and wish they were all external. I use the external channels for double boxes because - using multi program - we can re-enter a clean A bus and B bus into each channel and route the boxes quick that way. I'm hoping I'll be able to duplicate this with the internal DMEs with version 7.20 - its SUPPOSED to let you do that. But, we can still do that with the internals using a two-channel DME wipe pattern. Sounds like you're LOADED! ...and I don't mean with beer.
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[quote="Mike Ser[/quote"] I was going to mention this as well. We purchased some Maxtor drives that weren't compatible with the 8000-G...I spoke with a SONY staff engineer that suggested the Lacie d2 Quadra Hard Drive: Lacie d2 Quadra Hard Drive eSATA 1.5Gbits, FireWire 800, FireWire 400, Hi-Speed USB 2.0 320GB/500GB/750GB models --------------------------------------------------- Model name USA UK --------------------------------------------------- 320GB 301108U 301108EK 500GB 301110U 301110EK 750GB 301109U 301109EK --------------------------------------------------- If you're going to use your stills/clips extensively, you need this. Loading stills is a major pain without it, if you're trying to load more than a few. USB takes a long time, and often brings the menu system to a halt. This is a must. Back to the 2nd FM card: I know it was asked, but I may have missed the answer...What's the cost?[/quote] Thanks guys. This info is invaluable, I've already avoided several ordering and planning decisions I (as a TD) would have regretted later....when it was too late. I'll be mounting the utility shotbox on a swing arm for sure. Having the 2nd FM with the ability to play clips w/imbedded audio is a great option. So Bob, the 2nd FM is back on the order sheet for sure...along w/2 external Lacie hard drives. Mike, I'll get you the cost of the 2nd FM.
Mike Ser
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[quote="Bob Ennis"]That brings up another issue for you - whether or not you get the 2nd card. Saving & loading FM's from the menu's hard drive takes a LONG time, especially if you have a number of animations. There is an aftermarket Hard Drive made by Lacie that can connect to be back of the frame via firewire. It can be partitioned into 5 sectors. As an example, Loading Jeopardy's stills/animations from the menu hard drive takes about 35-40 minutes: using the firewire drive it takes 7 minutes...loading Wheel of Fortune which has a LOT of animations from the firewire drive takes about 22 minutes; with the menu hard drive it takes about 2 and a half hours. For the $150 that it costs, I'd HIGHLY recommend the external firewire drive.[/quote] I was going to mention this as well. We purchased some Maxtor drives that weren't compatible with the 8000-G...I spoke with a SONY staff engineer that suggested the Lacie d2 Quadra Hard Drive: Lacie d2 Quadra Hard Drive eSATA 1.5Gbits, FireWire 800, FireWire 400, Hi-Speed USB 2.0 320GB/500GB/750GB models --------------------------------------------------- Model name USA UK --------------------------------------------------- 320GB 301108U 301108EK 500GB 301110U 301110EK 750GB 301109U 301109EK --------------------------------------------------- If you're going to use your stills/clips extensively, you need this. Loading stills is a major pain without it, if you're trying to load more than a few. USB takes a long time, and often brings the menu system to a halt. This is a must. Back to the 2nd FM card: I know it was asked, but I may have missed the answer...What's the cost?
Curt's picture
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Hello, I too was heavily involved as a TD during our move to NY. Learned quite a bit. I would agree with others on these posts. Utility Module- I like having it. We don't have the newest software so we can't use the keybuses as shotoboxes. One thing to look out for. If you put the utility module in the panel ( we have ours in at the bottom right) it is hard to read off angle if you are positioned more to the left of the panel. ( something I was given a heads up about when we were planning out the layout.) 1RU Aux Panels- Definite for the external DME's. Like it was said, keep in mind for monitor feeds. Also you might need some for your video op to see cams..etc Joystick- a definite, unless you are used to a trackball. One thing to be aware of also. Make sure too much doesn't get dumped on the switcher so that you are limited in all the new stuff. Things like, " you don't need a SS b/c you have frame memories" I realize you will have a SS, but be aware of things like that. Or if they want you to start keying this and that all the time...Suddenly you are buring through your DSK's... ...or they want to start using a vertical monitor and burn one of your DME's. It is real easy to say the switcher can do this, the switcher can do that...and before you know it...you are buring through resources. Not to say you/they shouldn't push it...My point is just be aware of all the things that are planned for the new gear, and make sure you atleast have a plan on how it may work. Hard to do I know w/ out knowing the gear, but like you said..easier to ask for that now when $$ is being spent, and wiring is being done...than have to go back and make changes. And you can always ask questions here...LOTS of great minds from all different places. When it comes time to lay out the panel, I would be glad to take a picture of our layout so you could get an idea. For the planning of the entire install, keep in mind the things that might have never been wired up before...like PBUS, GPI's..etc. And I would say overbuild..if you need 2 GPI's, wire 6..etc..Much easier to do that now presumably. Keep in mind those "wish list" items...like wouldn't it be cool to have that...or if that was mounted over there...Once again, much easier to do now when everyone is listening.. And my last piece of advice learned from someone on this site. ( paraphrasing) .Remember that you are the one that has to use everything once it is installed. Try to get everything the way you ( and you fellow TD's ) want it. hope this helps. Curt
Bob Ennis
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I use the FM's all the time...sometimes for clip transitions, and sometimes for animated looping moving backgrounds that feed monitors or are a part of other effects. I even use them to accomplish "pre-reading" of graphics when my tape ops are busy doing other things. I've got an "A" frame and thus only have the one FM card - but I have it almost maxed out. I would certainly welcome a 2nd card. And by the way - the 2nd card only handles CLIPS...stills will still have to go on the 1st card. But with the new 7.2 software you will be able to "drive" FM clips with imbedded audio from the M/E lever arm as part of a transition effect...no more having to build keyframes & test/re-test for sync issues. After playing with this at NAB, I would personally prefer to do all of my transitions this new way - that is IF I had enough FM memory. That brings up another issue for you - whether or not you get the 2nd card. Saving & loading FM's from the menu's hard drive takes a LONG time, especially if you have a number of animations. There is an aftermarket Hard Drive made by Lacie that can connect to be back of the frame via firewire. It can be partitioned into 5 sectors. As an example, Loading Jeopardy's stills/animations from the menu hard drive takes about 35-40 minutes: using the firewire drive it takes 7 minutes...loading Wheel of Fortune which has a LOT of animations from the firewire drive takes about 22 minutes; with the menu hard drive it takes about 2 and a half hours. For the $150 that it costs, I'd HIGHLY recommend the external firewire drive.

Bob Ennis

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Bill, just checked and there are 4 flexi-pads on the order. The 2nd fmem card was a hard sell since we'll have 4 chnls (video and key) of chyron Xclyps HD for opens and transitions. Instead, I pushed for some external DME chnls. How are you using the fmem card? It's not too late for me to start the begging process for another fmem card.
Bill D
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[quote="foxpig"]Well as usual, I knew where to go to get the best advice...thanks guy's. Here's a list of some of the Sony options we're getting: G frame/80 inputs/32 xpnts 8 format converters 1 frame mem 32sec 8 DME ch.'s 4 internal/4 external multi program 48 aux's Do I need a "utility shot box"? .[/quote] Don't forget 4 flexi pads, one for each ME. For some reason a lot of Sony demos only have 3 of them. Also with ver 7.2 you will be able to access the other frame memory for more internal clips storage, since you are buying I would ask for the 2nd Fmem card. You will have like 2000 frames of memory then, with audio embedded. Make sure atleast one or more of your outputs go to audio so they can track any transitions with sound you will play out of your switcher.
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[quote="Mike Ser"][quote="foxpig"]Mike, as guessed I'm at a FOX affiliate in Florida. It sounds like you've gone through what we're about to soon. I'd love to get some more details of the conversion process from DD to Sony as a user and what to expect. Is there a e-mail address I could use for you?[/quote] Just sent you an email. I'll be happy to describe how we drive the '35, and how that translates to SONY. There are a couple of little differences, but the approach is very similar. With 7.2 coming out, we'll be able to run transitions and other effects the same way we did on the '35. The cool thing is that there are plenty of approaches that'll work. The resizers are great for 2d dve stuff, and because there's one for each key, you never have to juggle or even manage those resources. With 8 channels of DME, you're all set. 4 int./4 ext. was a good choice. The utility module is a big resource. I'd recommend it. You can store your shotbox effects there, plus macros that you don't want to attach or macros that are on different banks than the banks you'll primarily surf on whichever flex ped you use most. I use it for menu recalls, etc. It's very useful. Being able to use Key 2 row for macros/shotbox/etc. is huge. You'll feel like you've got your macro row from the dd series. Anyway, from what you've listed, it looks like you've got all the toys you need.[/quote] Thanks Mike, Good to hear there is some hope for us DD folks. There are a lot of great Ideas in the DD that we hope Sony can emulate. I'll be in touch very soon.
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[quote="AJR"]We have our shotbox mounted along the backsplash. We have the usb card reader sitting next to the switcher. If you're going to use the utility module a lot, I'd say bring it closer to you. Since the panel is all modular, you can reconfigure the way the panel is laid out. All you need is a philips head screwdriver.[/quote] Being "vertically challenged" and having the reach of a 5yr old...the shotbox will definitely be located closer. thanks
Mike Ser
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[quote="foxpig"]Mike, as guessed I'm at a FOX affiliate in Florida. It sounds like you've gone through what we're about to soon. I'd love to get some more details of the conversion process from DD to Sony as a user and what to expect. Is there a e-mail address I could use for you?[/quote] Just sent you an email. I'll be happy to describe how we drive the '35, and how that translates to SONY. There are a couple of little differences, but the approach is very similar. With 7.2 coming out, we'll be able to run transitions and other effects the same way we did on the '35. The cool thing is that there are plenty of approaches that'll work. The resizers are great for 2d dve stuff, and because there's one for each key, you never have to juggle or even manage those resources. With 8 channels of DME, you're all set. 4 int./4 ext. was a good choice. The utility module is a big resource. I'd recommend it. You can store your shotbox effects there, plus macros that you don't want to attach or macros that are on different banks than the banks you'll primarily surf on whichever flex ped you use most. I use it for menu recalls, etc. It's very useful. Being able to use Key 2 row for macros/shotbox/etc. is huge. You'll feel like you've got your macro row from the dd series. Anyway, from what you've listed, it looks like you've got all the toys you need.
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We have our shotbox mounted along the backsplash. We have the usb card reader sitting next to the switcher. If you're going to use the utility module a lot, I'd say bring it closer to you. Since the panel is all modular, you can reconfigure the way the panel is laid out. All you need is a philips head screwdriver. I don't know how you're operating the dd35 but you can probably easily mimic what you're used to. The only down side I've heard from some of the DD35 users is that on the 8k, you're locked into "bank" mode on the flexipads. So if you're not used to running in bank mode, I'd get used to it. It doesn't take people all that long to get used to.
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Just checked and there is one shotbox on the order. It looks as if the shotbox and memory stick/USB module panels need to be mounted separate from the swx panel. Any suggestions/locations for mounting the 2 modules?
Bob Ennis
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[quote="foxpig"]Do I need a "utility shot box"?[/quote] Having at least 1 Utility Module is preferable (you can put 2 on the system), but even if you don't get one because of the cost (they are the most expensive module), the new software lets you use the key 2/4 buses as a utility module. Your source name display splits, with the names of the utility/macro commands over the source names: where the Utility Module gives you 4 banks of 24 buttons each, the key 2/4 utilities give you 32 buttons on 5 banks. Of course there's nothing that says you can't use both.....

Bob Ennis

Matt Saplin
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[quote="foxpig"]Matt, we will have 4 ch's. of Xclyps HD, 4 ch's. HD still store and 2 ch's. of air speed HD w/2 more channels up-converted. We will be upconverting/D.A.'ing all swx input sources for muti-image monitoring and various feeds(i.e router/patch panels). I am on the upgrade comittee as the "lead t.d." and engineering has been allowing any input from the user side...something not all stations do.[/quote] I'd get the shotbox ... it's very helpful. You can assign anything from simple snapshots, to combinations of effects and macros, even menu shortcuts. It all sounds very cool, and like you are in a good place with everything ... lots of AUX's and outputs! Ironically, about a year ago I was exactly where you are ... the "lead TD" on the upgrade committee isn't a bad place to be! I'm not sure where you are in FL, but you're welcome to come by and see what we've got here in Orlando. Just drop me an e-mail, and we can always figure something out. We probably have the same Sony SSE, too ... Stacy is our SSE, and he's been fantastic. I'm sure that he could answer your questions and point you in the right direction with your training needs when the time comes. Matt
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Well as usual, I knew where to go to get the best advice...thanks guy's. Here's a list of some of the Sony options we're getting: G frame/80 inputs/32 xpnts 8 format converters 1 frame mem 32sec 8 DME ch.'s 4 internal/4 external multi program 48 aux's Do I need a "utility shot box"? Mike, as guessed I'm at a FOX affiliate in Florida. It sounds like you've gone through what we're about to soon. I'd love to get some more details of the conversion process from DD to Sony as a user and what to expect. Is there a e-mail address I could use for you? Matt, we will have 4 ch's. of Xclyps HD, 4 ch's. HD still store and 2 ch's. of air speed HD w/2 more channels up-converted. We will be upconverting/D.A.'ing all swx input sources for muti-image monitoring and various feeds(i.e router/patch panels). I am on the upgrade comittee as the "lead t.d." and engineering has been allowing any input from the user side...something not all stations do.
Bill D
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[quote="SeanPage"]I'm at another Fox station going to the Sony from a Kalypso. I hear we're getting K2's to replace our profile's, anyone using the 8000g with K2's? Any issues to look out for?[/quote] K2's do louth so should be able to talk direct to switcher I think. Curious how it works, I like some of the stuff the K2's do. (playlists, wonder if they show up in the clip list for the switcher).
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I'm at another Fox station going to the Sony from a Kalypso. I hear we're getting K2's to replace our profile's, anyone using the 8000g with K2's? Any issues to look out for?
Bill D
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Get the larger device control frame, I think Xclips can run in VDCP, so you can try running stuff from switcher with direct machine control rather then P-bus. G frame comes with the 16 keyer positioners. I would get atleast 4 channels of external DME (MVE 9K is nicer of the two, other being the MVE 8K). If money is no object get another 4 channels of internal DME. The positioner DME's don't do 3D rotate, etc. Also have to burn keyers to use them, would rather have 8 regular dme's (4 internal and 4 external) channels and do dme links for boxes and such. 32 button crosspoint, 4 flexi pads, utility shot box, the joystick for DME usage (put it to the side on a nice wedge). The newer machine control module, has timecode display and maybe clip name? Multi Pgm 2 is an option I believe so add that. I also think the internal up and down converters are optional not sure if you have a need for it. Atleast 4 1RU aux panels to feed the external DME's. Add more for frequent monitor feeds or other routes that you do very often.
Matt Saplin
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By any chance do you know anyone at FOX NewsChannel? I understand that they just switched from the DD to the Sony (or at least they were planning to in DC) ... just thinking that they might be able to give you some hints. (LOL ... just saw Mike Ser's post). If nothing else, maybe Sony can give you a trainer that is knowledgeable on the DD that might be able to help ease the transition. As for the gear, are you replacing your 4 channels of still-store and 4 channels of Xclyps with HD devices, or will you be upconverting those? How about your Airspeed ... is that HD, or will you be upconverting? I'd just make sure that you have the number of format converters that you'll need ... I think that they're sold in blocks of 8 on the input side. I'd also suggest that if you are heavily using the Dveous that you go with the high-end DME (MVE-9000) that will be able to handle all of the lighting and art edge effects. The frame-memory will be able to handle audio as well as video in 7.2 of the software, so that might help as a solution with some of your Xclyps. The 8000G's machine control abilities will make your life pretty easy, and P-bus is really no different than what you're using now. The Macro ability is pretty nice ... like on the DD, you can edit your macros, and Sony has added the "menu macro", which basically allows you to embed any menu function or adjustment in a regular macro. You can assign macros to the shotbox, or to the keyer rows, or even just recall and execute them by number. I know I'm leaving out lots, but I'll add more if I think of it. Another thought ... are you at all involved in your "upgrade committee" at your station? You might at least be able to get some more answers on your end, and provide input to those making the purchase decisions. As always, if I can help, drop me an e-mail. Matt (8000G user in Orlando)
Mike Ser
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Jonathan, Judging by your user name, I gather you work for a Fox affiliate? We are in the process of making a similar move. We have 3 DD-35's and an X-tenDD we're still using, but we've got 3 SONY 8000-G control rooms online at the moment. We'll eventually be a completely SONY facility. We are also very animated transition heavy, and the DD series worked extremely well for us. Fortunately, SONY's doing very well for us as well. Once version 7.2 comes out, we'll be driving the switcher almost exactly the way we were with the '35's, with a few added perks we didn't previously have. Advice might be too long to list, plus it depends on what your shows emphasize. Email me...we'll discuss in more detail. Also, where are you located? Mike
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You're going from a DD35 to a Sony? All I can say is "Ouch". Talk about completely different styles of operation. You'll basically have to re-learn everything - switcher and DVE. It would have been better to go to a Kayak or a Kahuna (something that starts with a "K"). I don't think the jump to either one of those would be as bad. Irv