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8000a, EVS and "macro method" for building ddr based transit

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Hey Guys,

I'm working with an 8000a and I was building EVS based swooshes via the switcher's machine control panel. I'm using the "macro method" to accomplish this task but I've run into a bit of a snag.

When I build a new EVS based effect, one animation in particular keeps being recalled even though I know I saved a different animation to a given register.

This is how I build them so please tell me what I am doing wrong:

1. I go the dev. menu and load a specific animation. I recall a given animation into dev. 2
2. I select dev. 2 on the effects build panel and insert a keyframe.
3. I then "store" the effect to a particular register.
4. I then go to the macro panel and start building my transition.

Now the first couple of times I used this method I was able to recall different animations and everything worked fine. later in the build session one animation in particular would always recall rather than
the one I know I saved to a given register. I tried saving new effects to clean registers but the same old animation kept coming up.

We rebooted the switcher, the EVS and the problem didn't go away.

If anyone can help out I really appreciate it. I'm sort of desperate at this point.

Also, can I program the macro "TAKE" function so it appears on the user panel.


User offline. Last seen 13 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
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Thanks Rick. Dave
Rick Edwards
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[quote="davetd"]I will be back in the 8000a room early next week. I'm going to try the rewind action solution to see if that solves my "same clip being recalled" issue. Hey one other question totally off the subject: Can MEs be split on an effects by effects basis or is it either split or not and that's it? - Dave[/quote] If you have ME CONFIG RECALL turned on (and you're in Multi-program 2) then the M/E's config will change on an effect by effect, snapshot by snapshot, or even keyframe by keyframe basis. RE
User offline. Last seen 13 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
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I will be back in the 8000a room early next week. I'm going to try the rewind action solution to see if that solves my "same clip being recalled" issue. Hey one other question totally off the subject: Can MEs be split on an effects by effects basis or is it either split or not and that's it? - Dave
Bill D
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[quote="davetd"]Hey Bill, I'm actually not using the menu macro method - I think. I just learned yesterday what that is but I don't do anything special. When recording the macro I went the device menu, dialed in the clip and loaded it. My initial issue occured when I tried to build a macro using the one keyframe effect method. I built two effects where it worked great but then I went on to build other effects, one animation in particular kept being recalled no matter what animation was saved to a given effect. Dave[/quote] I am a little confused I guess. From your first post sounds like you are building an effect with device enabled. Then you are using a macro to recall that effect and do your underpunch? If you recall the device effect without the macro and the clips recall correctly then you should be fine recalling that effect through a macro, then doing your underpunch. If the wrong clip is recalled just recalling effects then check your rewind action for that effect, can also just do a cue up in device menu rather then a timeline. Then you don't need a rewind action. lastly if you are using macros anyway, might be easier to build an effect and use offline macro editing to recall your clip.
Rick Edwards
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[quote="Matt Saplin"]Since we've added the 8000G, I've started to use quite a few menu macros ... from something as simple as changing the aspect ratio on an input, to having it be a part of an animated transition macro that changes the priorities of the keyers. No doubt, it's handy, but I could see where it might not be for everyone. Matt[/quote] Matt, Check your regular macros. I think you can set key priority on them, rather than using menu macros. Look in the OFFLINE EDIT portion of the panel macros. RE
Matt Saplin
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[quote="davetd"]My understanding is an 8000g, we're using an 8000a, has a special menu macro method which is rather convoluted - At least from what I've heard.[/quote] The Menu Macros on the 8000G are pretty painless (I think you can do it on your 8000a, too, with software v7.1x). Storing a menu macro is as simple as just telling the software to record your keystrokes on the GUI. What Dave might be referring to is this: to play a menu macro, you have to embed it in a regular macro, though. Also keep in mind that with a menu macro, there is a slight delay when playing it (I think 20 frames, but it could be slightly shorter). Since we've added the 8000G, I've started to use quite a few menu macros ... from something as simple as changing the aspect ratio on an input, to having it be a part of an animated transition macro that changes the priorities of the keyers. No doubt, it's handy, but I could see where it might not be for everyone. Matt
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Hey Bill, I'm actually not using the menu macro method - I think. I just learned yesterday what that is but I don't do anything special. When recording the macro I went the device menu, dialed in the clip and loaded it. My understanding is an 8000g, we're using an 8000a, has a special menu macro method which is rather convoluted - At least from what I've heard. My initial issue occured when I tried to build a macro using the one keyframe effect method. I built two effects where it worked great but then I went on to build other effects, one animation in particular kept being recalled no matter what animation was saved to a given effect. Dave
Bill D
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You are using a menu macro to load the clip? Not sure about doing it that way, but think it is easier to load the clip using a macro through the offline macro area, one of the events is clip cue or something for each device, then you don't need to use a menu macro. As sean mentioned sometimes having twice as many macros one for recue and one for play (for each transitions) means you won't get stuck in a zero pause. Not sure if you are using f/k ganged in the switcher, but you could play with adding like a 3-4 frame pause after recue and then play and undercut all part of the same macro.
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Hey Sean, Of course all the transitions are not the same length. Our graphics dept. would never make it that easy . I built my macro based EVS wipes by going to the DEV menu and simply loading a clip as part of the macro. It actually worked. Is this method ok or are there any pitfalls I need to know about. - Dave
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Dave, are all your transitions the same length? If so the way I would do it is build your macros to recall the evs clip and snapshot for the transition. Then build another macro that plays the clip, pauses, does your transition and cuts the keyer off. if there are multiple lengths just copy the macro and change the pause length (one for a 15f run another for a 30f etc.). This will keep you from getting stuck with the switcher waiting for a macro take if the director changes their mind about the transition they want.
User offline. Last seen 13 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
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Hey Bill, So you still need to utilize the rewind action function for macro based transitions? Thanks for the advice. I'll check it out later this morning. One other question, not just for Bill but anyone out there: Is there a detailed "first hit this then that" instructions for building EVS based transitions with a Sony 8000a using the vtr controller. I'm talking the "old school" way making a mutiple keyframe timeline, etc. The whole process doesn't seem that straightford. - Dave
Bill D
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[quote="davetd123"]Hey Guys, I'm working with an 8000a and I was building EVS based swooshes via the switcher's machine control panel. I'm using the "macro method" to accomplish this task but I've run into a bit of a snag. Now the first couple of times I used this method I was able to recall different animations and everything worked fine. later in the build session one animation in particular would always recall rather than the one I know I saved to a given register. I tried saving new effects to clean registers but the same old animation kept coming up. Also, can I program the macro "TAKE" function so it appears on the user panel. Thanks, Dave[/quote] If you are using device/timeline control (page 5332), check your rewind action (page 5332.1). You need to setup the clip you want in this area for your recall. By user panel do you mean the utility box? If so go to page 7234.1, select button you want the 'take' to appear in 1-1 through 4-24, then select utility command and scroll down to utility command # 76, hit action set. You then have to name it.