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Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
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Two related questions...

I haven' t built to many user pgm DME wipes. I am looking to recreate the 1 CH Defocus that Sony has as part of their default effects. The amount of defocus is too much for what I need, so I want to knock it down a bit. If I try to build the effect w/ 1 dme channel.. I can get the defocus, but then it pops to the next source...This makes sense to me since technically I need to defocus 2 sources, but am only defocusing 1.

So, I know I can make it w/ 2 Ch's of DME....but I would rather save the DME channel.
Has anyone recreated this effect...or one like it or is this something that was built in the software, but can't be replicated on the panel? I assume the mosiac is the same situation, but haven't had a need for that effect.

Question number 2

Any tips/tricks for building user pgm DME wipes? In the past I have built the 2ch blur mentioned above, but today I am trying to recreate it, and it doesn't work too well. It does what it should..blur...but it is popping when it should be a smooth transition. I want to say in the past it has something to do w/ when you saved the effect initially when building.

I am trying a simple 2 KF 2 DME effect, and saving it in the 200's.
One channel ramps down the opacity and ramps up the defocus. The other ramps up the opacity, and ramps down the defocus. Defocus and Key Density are both on for both KF's, so I know it isn't that popping. It looks fine before I save it, but when I recall it in another ME...it gives me trouble.

Thank you for any help


Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005
[quote="Bill D"]Curt to get rid of that pop, try the . 200 enter, to get a clear register. Dont build off an effect form double digits, for some reason that adds the glitch, start from scratch zero or 1 keyframe if you have auto insert enabled[/quote] Bill, I must still be doing something wrong...oh well..I did find changing the trans mode to "DUAL" in menu 6114 JBS mentioned helped w/ the pop..but I didn't play around w/ it too much. thanks Curt
Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
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[quote="jbs"]I belive the one channel a/b blur is a "flip tumble" transition mode in the DME User PGM menu 6114, along with "separate side" turned on at page 4162. First keyframe zeroed out Second keyframe blurred and/or defocused on page 4121 AND rotated on X axis by .5 and turn "H Invert" on at page 4162 Third keyframe de-blurred still rotated on X at .5 and H Inverted Change path to "step" on all keyframes at page 6113.13 I imagine the reason why the stock Sony version is so defocused on the cut is to hide the cut. I tried it with blur instead of defocus but it isn't nearly as blurry. I'm sure the Sony version uses defocus instead. Maybe throw a little Plane Light pattern in there to hide it?[/quote] JBS ...thanks...Finally got a chance to try this out..and it worked great...did a little light src also..that helped as well. Exactly what I was looking for. thanks again, Curt
Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005
Thanks for all the tips...as soon as I get some free time on the switcher, I am going to check it out. thanks again Curt
User offline. Last seen 15 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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Perhaps a little decay might help the cut?
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
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Curt to get rid of that pop, try the . 200 enter, to get a clear register. Dont build off an effect form double digits, for some reason that adds the glitch, start from scratch zero or 1 keyframe if you have auto insert enabled
User offline. Last seen 15 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
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I belive the one channel a/b blur is a "flip tumble" transition mode in the DME User PGM menu 6114, along with "separate side" turned on at page 4162. First keyframe zeroed out Second keyframe blurred and/or defocused on page 4121 AND rotated on X axis by .5 and turn "H Invert" on at page 4162 Third keyframe de-blurred still rotated on X at .5 and H Inverted Change path to "step" on all keyframes at page 6113.13 I imagine the reason why the stock Sony version is so defocused on the cut is to hide the cut. I tried it with blur instead of defocus but it isn't nearly as blurry. I'm sure the Sony version uses defocus instead. Maybe throw a little Plane Light pattern in there to hide it?
Joe Kern
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Curt: We use a double blur effect which sounds similar to what you are looking for. It was built it as follows.... DME1 DME2 KF1 KF2 KF3 KF4 KF1 KF2 KF3 100 100 0 0 Key Density 100 100 100 0 50 50 50 Lighting (Plane) 50 50 0 0 30 20 0 Defocus V+K 0 50 0 1:00 :11 :20 - Keyframe Duration 1:00 1:00 - 1.0 1.5 1.3 1.0 Z-Axis(LocSize) 1.0 1.5 1.0 You can adjust the defocus to your liking DME1-KF2, DME2-KF2 You can also add some rotation if you like to these Keyframes to give a little twist. If you don't want the lighting effect, just omit that step. Save DME1&2 to effect 200+. You also need to go to page 6114 (Keyframe DME user PGM) and select "DUAL" You should now be able to select DME wipe as a transition on an M/E, adjust your transition rate on that M/E and you should be set. One other note: We use 8 internal DMEs. Since this was built on DME1 and 2, the effect will only work on DME's 1-4. If the switcher selected DME5-8 because DME1,2,3 are tied up you will get a different effect. The only solution I know of is to build the effect in DME 5 and 6 as well and save to same effect 200+. There may be another solution someone else knows of. Hope this helps Joe
Rick Edwards
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[quote="Curt"]Rick, Thank you. I left one important thing out of my post! ( sorry) I am trying to do this as a DME wipe between the A/B buses. When I build the one channel DME defocus, it works...but I only get one channel being blurred...makes sense...but when I use the "Sony version"...it blurs the first source through 1/2 fader bar motion...cuts to B bus, still blurred...then ramps back down the rest of the fader bar motion. Sorry I left that out... Curt[/quote] If you want both videos to be blurred then you will have to use 2 channels. There's no way around that. But, I've found if I use Key Density, a little zoom action and hold the keydensity dropoff until the last 1/5 or so of the effect, it LOOKS like there's more blurring going on than there really is. Just a taste thing. Ask 15 people, you'll get 15 answers. Good luck RE
Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
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Rick, Thank you. I left one important thing out of my post! ( sorry) I am trying to do this as a DME wipe between the A/B buses. When I build the one channel DME defocus, it works...but I only get one channel being blurred...makes sense...but when I use the "Sony version"...it blurs the first source through 1/2 fader bar motion...cuts to B bus, still blurred...then ramps back down the rest of the fader bar motion. Sorry I left that out... Curt
Rick Edwards
User offline. Last seen 15 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
[quote="Curt"]Hello, Two related questions... I haven' t built to many user pgm DME wipes. I am looking to recreate the 1 CH Defocus that Sony has as part of their default effects. The amount of defocus is too much for what I need, so I want to knock it down a bit. If I try to build the effect w/ 1 dme channel.. I can get the defocus, but then it pops to the next source...This makes sense to me since technically I need to defocus 2 sources, but am only defocusing 1. So, I know I can make it w/ 2 Ch's of DME....but I would rather save the DME channel. Has anyone recreated this effect...or one like it or is this something that was built in the software, but can't be replicated on the panel? I assume the mosiac is the same situation, but haven't had a need for that effect.[/quote] Curt, I use a Key Density setting along with the defocus on a single channel effect. That way, it's not too abrupt. I also add a little "zoom in" on the first KF so there's a little motion to the effect as well RE