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Satellites and Strobe or Field Skip effects

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Sep 2007

I recently had a production go pear-shaped when a very excited Director's Assistant insisted that I stop using a Strobe effect because of her claims that "the satellite won't be able to handle it".

Forgive my ignorance, but I would have thought that this would call for less processing than live vision.

I am adamant that this should not have been an issue, but I would like the opinions of my esteemed colleagues on this one.

We were broadcasting in SD, 16:9 PAL which was to be centre-cut for 4:3 PAL transmission in Europe.

I used the Kalypso's Strobe effect, using a slow grab rate of about 2 frames. I was trying to make a less than impressive breakdance troupe look mildly interesting.

I might add that, shortly after this tantrum, an EVS package was rolled in that used a similarly chunky strobe effect.

Mountain out of a mole-hill situation ? ? ?

What do you think ?

User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Sep 2007
FYI. Since I posted this query, I actually contacted the owner of the Satellite truck. He has never heard of such a problem and knows for certain that the DA in question never enquired about it. It seems that she just doesn't like skip-field effects. If you're ever planning to use any Australia crew, get in touch and I will let you know her name so that you can steer well clear of her.