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This may sound really stupid...

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User offline. Last seen 10 years 1 week ago. Offline
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I just signed up for a gig, and found out they have a Sony switcher (unsure of the model, but probably a 7k or 8k).

I have pretty much ZERO experience on the Sonys, and let them know that, but apparently I'm the only guy available that day, so they still want me on the show.

Here's my question: What are the main differences in programming emems on a Sony compared to a Kalypso? How about triggering a Fast Forward?

My apologies for questions that seem rather basic, but I figured if there was a place to get answers, this is it!


User offline. Last seen 10 years 1 week ago. Offline
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I don't know which truck it will be, but it's in Chicago, so I'm guessing a Trio truck. The crewer didn't have a lot of specifics. Thanks for all the info. I hate to have to get this remedial, but I just don't have any seat time with the Sonys, so I have no idea what menus or the panel are like...
Bob Ennis
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[quote="Mongo"]Thanks for the info... So to delegate, say, P/P and PBus for a timeline on a master emem, where would I find the delegation menu? And how would I enable source holds? My biggest concern is just building a replay-style effect.[/quote] You can do one of 2 things to learn a Master Timeline... (1) Light up each level (in your case PP & PBus) & recall the effect for that level. Note that you can do this separately for each level: turn on all of the levels that you want to be part of the Master: Press the MASTER button & store a register number. (2) go to the EFF menu - select MASTER EFFECT. Here you will have a list of all levels. Enter the Master Register that you want to store. Then just select whatever level(s) you want, select their individual timeline register, and press STORE in the menu. To enable source holds as part of the effect, go to the timeline menu. At the bottom you will see a sub-menu for PATH. Under PATH, select the level (PP), select your buses & turn on HOLD. There are also XPT HOLDS at the end of each crosspoint row for manual overrides. If you use Snapshots, source holds are part of the SNAPSHOT / ATTRIBUTES menu.

Bob Ennis

Mike Cumbo
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Mongo, what truck? The number of 7k's in trucks is rather limited right now. If the truck is from Trio Video, it is a 7k, same with Mobile TV Group's 14D truck. If we know this, we can help with info directed at that particular box.
Matt Saplin
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[quote="Mongo"]Thanks for the info... So to delegate, say, P/P and PBus for a timeline on a master emem, where would I find the delegation menu? And how would I enable source holds? My biggest concern is just building a replay-style effect.[/quote] Mongo ... this will only work for the 8k/9k. To delegate P/P and P-Bus for a timeline effect, just use the 10 region key assign panel (if I don't get hit by lightning for mixing switcher nomenclature, the part that looks like a Master E-MEM panel). If you look at your timeline on the GUI, you should see P-BUS and P/P turn light blue and move to the top of the list to show you that they are enabled (if they don't show up at the top of the list, go to 6115 and hit "ACTIVE REGION"). To enable source holds in your effect, go to page 6113.4 (Keyframe Menu --> Path --> P/P) to adjust your path on P/P. Matt
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Thanks for the info... So to delegate, say, P/P and PBus for a timeline on a master emem, where would I find the delegation menu? And how would I enable source holds? My biggest concern is just building a replay-style effect.
Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 27 weeks ago. Offline
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If you're on an 8K or 9K, then you'll have 2 types of recalls to deal with; Snapshots are "one-shot" events...much like the old 300 e-mems. They do one thing per register. Timelines are the keyframe-style events. For snapshots & timelines, you'll have 99 registers each. There are also 99 registers of Shotbox. A shotbox is just a way of simultaneously recalling one or more timelines with one or more snapshots. The reason for doing this is because snapshots don't "respond" to Rewinds or runs - thus they work out really well for doing things like replays, where you have a FF & the program bus doing a timeline effect that goes to your replay device on M/E 2. If M/E 2 were a timeline then you'd have to build source holds, as it would respond to timeline commands; but if M/E 2 were a snapshot, recalling a Shotbox for replays would call up PP & FF as a timeline, while M/E 2 just sets up the sources - rewinding or coming to the end of the timeline won't ever affect M/E 2. But if you're not comfortable with snapshots, then I'd suggest treating the switcher like a Kalypso - build everything with timelines & you'll still be OK. Even if everything is a timeline effect I'd still suggest putting everything into Shotbox registers, as the panel's Flexi-Pads let you recall each shotbox by name, and you can have each M/E's Flexi-Pad on a different bank, which gives you instant access to 30-40 effects, depending on whether the PP bus has a Flexi-Pad. And if you have the Utility Module, then you can program each button of that to be Shotboxes, Macros, Utility Commands, or menu recalls. The Flexi-Pads have a selection for EFFect recall - keep in mind that these only work to recall MASTER Effects - this means that you build your individual timelines & then put them into a MASTER (very much like the 300 mode on the Kalypso). Lots of people make the mistake to build an effect on M/E 3 & then wonder why it doesn't show up on M/E 3's Flexi-Pad...each Flexi-Pad can be a Master Effects recall pad. Again, I build everything as a shotbox register & never touch the EFF buttons. However, each M/E's Flexi-Pad can recall that M/E's snapshots. To learn a snapshot into a Flexi-Pad, hold down the SNAPSHOT button & press the button on the Flexi-Pad where you want to store it. To erase it, hold down STORE STATS & press the numeric button. This also holds true when building macros, which can also be recalled from each Flexi-Pad. If you're doing DME (transform) effects, you'll have to build each DME channel's effect on its own level...the DME timelines are more like a DVEous in that each channel is separate than like a Kalypso where the transform keyframes are driven by the M/E. For Fast Forwards, you can treat them like any other PBus device - there's a separate timeline region for PBus.

Bob Ennis