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BTN - Pre Season Football

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Anyone else booked or done one of these yet and/or have any details?
Mongo? PSU? KK?

[quote="PSU442"]hey ken -- sorry for the delay, since i didn't know the lance loop trigger I just took it looping from the duet. I grabbed a still of it in the ram-recorder in case they got tied up but the show was so simple it wasn't a problem. That ram recorder is a pain to use.[/quote] no problem! I've done that as well, but only for the BTN replay bug. I'm glad it was an easy show for you! Out for the two I did the Northwestern show was the best. Great producer, director and a great crew. Made for my favorite kind of show, challenging and fun.
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hey ken -- sorry for the delay, since i didn't know the lance loop trigger I just took it looping from the duet. I grabbed a still of it in the ram-recorder in case they got tied up but the show was so simple it wasn't a problem. That ram recorder is a pain to use.
Mike Cumbo
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The amount of storage available on the RAM recorders is limited. I was able to get two MLB backgrounds stored and still have some memory for replay brand and a split bar. I think the Kayak way of doing things is convoluted but if you have time you CAN get a moving animation stored and recalled using just the switcher panel. BTW, the animations are large, so if you want to save them to a thumbdrive bring a big one and lots of time.
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At MSU and UM we got the 2box in the ram recorder. I was masking as an A2 that day but the TD did it and it loops at 9:29. I think you can only get 30 seconds of a matte and fill on the BTN trucks but you can loop it as many times as you want from there. It was a little tricky getting them in there. It was easier to use the switcher panel rather than the side panel. You could E/E on the side panel but for some reason it wouldn't start recording from there. Courtney
I was told that they wanted the moving background on the double box so I couldn't use the RAM Recorder option, since that would only work as a still on the Kayak. Maybe I'm wrong but I assumed you could ingest a clip with v+k into the RAM recorder and then play back the clip like the Kalypso but I've never gotten it to work. BTW - My solution was running it from the clipstore and warning the directors ahead of time that we couldn't effect in or out of the double box because it was tying up the clipstore. One was cool with it, the other wasn't. No surprise either way. What did you end up doing?
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[quote="iduetv"]Trigger #5 is for loop play[/quote] cool.
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Trigger #5 is for loop play
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So on truck 18 (and I remember having this problem in the past as well) I can't route the clipstore F & K into the ram-recorder (ST1/2, ST3/4) It's green hash. I can route Duet and Fox Box just fine. I wanted to mention this to Todd the EIC but I always forget about that stuff after the show... have any of you had this problem? I was hoping to ingest the double box into the ram-recorder so as to not tie up the clipstore... which leads me to another question: how do you loop the lance? what trigger # is it?
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[quote="Mike Cumbo"][quote="PSU442"]I have good ol' truck 18 coming in... whose the EIC on that truck this year??[/quote] The regular EIC is Todd, but I think he may not be there. Something about airline schedules and his next show. We had 18 for a bunch of MLB in DC and Baltimore. No issues. I think we get it again for one or two more MLB series before it goes full time doing college.[/quote] you'll have Dan. You'll be fine.
Mike Cumbo
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[quote="PSU442"]I have good ol' truck 18 coming in... whose the EIC on that truck this year??[/quote] The regular EIC is Todd, but I think he may not be there. Something about airline schedules and his next show. We had 18 for a bunch of MLB in DC and Baltimore. No issues. I think we get it again for one or two more MLB series before it goes full time doing college.
[quote="Truck TD"]Kenneth, Make sure view is on either via side panel or on the control panel. Then as long as you have the define memo green for the desired keyer your crosspoint should be recalled. Happy Punching Greg[/quote] Thanks Greg.
Truck TD
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Kenneth, Make sure view is on either via side panel or on the control panel. Then as long as you have the define memo green for the desired keyer your crosspoint should be recalled. Happy Punching Greg
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Hello Everybody!!! It must be that time of year again (sigh) cause we're talking some BTN around here!! I'm working the PSU Pre-season Football show this week. I think it's the last school before the season... so I thank everybody for pre-loading all of my elements!! ;-) I have good ol' truck 18 coming in... whose the EIC on that truck this year??
Mike Cumbo
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We used trucks 17 and 18 for MLB, with EVS and cameras taken from 19. All of the MLB clients I dealt with travel with their drives, so we never used truck drives. As far as any stills or DVE effects, who knows.
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[quote="News9TD"][quote="Courtney"]Can you do me a favor and load the Illinois effects while you are loading your Northwestern effects into the Clipstore? If you can't no worries, I am on that truck the next day. Courtney[/quote] If these are BTN Network trucks, then why aren't all the teams with all the looks loaded onto the drives? I know it would never happen, but even if it came down to it, each truck should have a set of CFB, CBB, drives and so on. Or, keep the elements on the Clip's hard drive, where they can be copied to the watch folder and imported. Seems kinda silly having to tie the hands of EVS to playlist an element reel every show.[/quote] With it being the beginning of a new year and the fact that this truck was disassembled for the summer, the likelyhood of the effects still being on there is slim to non. Plus the football package is long gone from last season and there are probably some new elements...or so they say. Once football season is underway, all the effects for the football package should be loaded on all the trucks. Thanks Ken for doing so on BTN 19. Courtney
[quote="Courtney"]Can you do me a favor and load the Illinois effects while you are loading your Northwestern effects into the Clipstore? If you can't no worries, I am on that truck the next day. Courtney[/quote] It's already on there. I batched all the effects in one 17min file. It's labelled "BTN Pre-season FB - UW" but they are all in there. There's only one school specific wipe for each school, the rest are "Big Ten Tonight" specific. The only effects we used were the open, coming up, and the generic BTT wipe. Most of the other effects like the capper they said they would add in post.
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[quote="Courtney"]Can you do me a favor and load the Illinois effects while you are loading your Northwestern effects into the Clipstore? If you can't no worries, I am on that truck the next day. Courtney[/quote] If these are BTN Network trucks, then why aren't all the teams with all the looks loaded onto the drives? I know it would never happen, but even if it came down to it, each truck should have a set of CFB, CBB, drives and so on. Or, keep the elements on the Clip's hard drive, where they can be copied to the watch folder and imported. Seems kinda silly having to tie the hands of EVS to playlist an element reel every show.
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Looks like Joe is blowing out the cobwebs in the truck along with the rest of us. He switched the switcher panel at the end of baseball season because the background button on ME2 stopped working. I'm glad that is finally fixed, that was a pain. Can you do me a favor and load the Illinois effects while you are loading your Northwestern effects into the Clipstore? If you can't no worries, I am on that truck the next day. Courtney
[quote="Courtney"]When I build my 2box I do it all in ME1 and stay away from my master emems. After I build it on ME1 I save a snap shot then I build in trigger commands within that snap shot, it keeps it all self contained that way. I haven't had any problems building it that way. The problem you had is weird. I will try to recreate that at Illinois on Friday. Courtney[/quote] Yeah I realized that I should have done that after the fact. Rookie mistake. I'm on next Thursday for Northwestern's pre-season show so I'll correct it then provided that the keyer crosspoints can be saved. BTW - the truck is 19HDX which I was told had a new panel in it and the latest software. It had been sitting idle for the past few months and wasn't fully operational when it arrived for the set day on Friday. The EIC was putting out a lot of fires to get it up and running. For example, the clipstore router at the TD position wasn't working until 4pm, and my call was 10:30am. Good times
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When I build my 2box I do it all in ME1 and stay away from my master emems. After I build it on ME1 I save a snap shot then I build in trigger commands within that snap shot, it keeps it all self contained that way. I haven't had any problems building it that way. The problem you had is weird. I will try to recreate that at Illinois on Friday. Courtney
Matt Saplin
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[quote="RollItTakeIt"][quote="Mongo"]Make sure Key Memory is turned on.[/quote] it is, that was the first thing I checked.[/quote] Like on the Kalypso, was there some sort of a software crosspoint hold turned on for your keyers? Been a while since I've been on a Kayak, but that was my gut reaction... Matt
[quote="Mongo"]Make sure Key Memory is turned on.[/quote] it is, that was the first thing I checked.
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Make sure Key Memory is turned on.
Thanks Courtney and Mongo. It was definitely good for clearing the cobwebs, especially with a set day. I'm feeding the Wisco show we did this morning as I type this. We did use a 2 box, and then all the usual efx. It was a little chaotic, but with a bit of post on EVS it all came together. Airs tonight. I did have one problem with the Kayak though. I couldn't save my keyer crosspoints on M/E1 to some emems. Specifically on the emem I was using for the 2 box. Here's how I built my two box: Cam 1 and 2 = Key 1 & 2 on M/E 1 saved to register 3. DPM to squeeze the cams, saved on M/E 1 DPM register 3. Two box on FF, using key 3 on P/P and triggered off a master emem. The master emem recalls the 2 box emem on M/E1 and triggers the FF to loop. Then I cut it in and out. Now when I'd recall another emem on M/E1, and then I recalled my 2 box emem it would not recall the correct crosspoints that I *thought* I had saved in both the DPM and the emem. Does that make sense? I thought I looked through all the menus, checked on the sidepanel to make sure that Key 1 & 2 were green before I saved, etc... But I couldn't fix it. Any help is appreciated.
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Usually for the pre season stuff they have one additional effect that will fly in after the open and rejoin. At least that is what they did for the spring practice. Usually very low key, a great chance to blow out the cobwebs from taking the summer off. Courtney
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Ah, I see... Usually a replay in/out, team logo sweeps, team logo package-enders, conference logo and network logo sweeps, open, capper and rejoin. MAYBE a 2-box, but not likely. Just have the EVS ops put it in a playlist, and route to the ClipStore... make sure you are getting audio to it, there's a specific setting they have to change. Or you can do all of us a favor and rip the whole element reel to the ClipStore so it will be there all season!
[quote="Mongo"]It's about like any other sportscast. They like a lot of graphics, since it IS a FSN-affiliated. I wouldn't compare it to a newscast, though.[/quote] LOL! Ok, got it. Thanks. I was really wondering what efx I'm grabbing off the Xfile.
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It's about like any other sportscast. They like a lot of graphics, since it IS a FSN-affiliated. I wouldn't compare it to a newscast, though.
[quote="Mongo"]My availability is somewhat limited this fall (at least until the end of Sept), so I don't have anything on the books. I would guess it'll be the same as last year, just a different element reel.[/quote] What did they have you doing last year? Format? I've heard it's more like a news bcast than a game.
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My availability is somewhat limited this fall (at least until the end of Sept), so I don't have anything on the books. I would guess it'll be the same as last year, just a different element reel.