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Kalypso StillStore Loader/Plugin

10 replies [Last post]
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 29 Aug 2008

I am looking for a solution that would either allow me to batch import stills to the Kalypso or a Phototshop Plugin to save in the .gvi format. When I have 50 stills to bring in the still store loader software seems ridiculous.


David Feingold

Paul Duncan
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 17 Sep 2008
With regards to 5mars post regarding , I am in the process of rewriting the application for extra features. By the sounds of the above a batch file converter is required for still conversion which I will look into adding. Open to any other suggestions of extras things ??? Regards Paul ( Crazy Aussie )
Seth Madway
User offline. Last seen 12 years 27 weeks ago. Offline
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I don't have a solution for batch processing, but I use the old, pre V15, SS Loader off-line to convert & save non-gva images. (Select Image ... Save Image to Disk). The conversion process per still is very quick. Once converted, I load them to the frame using Multi-Select Copy/Paste via the Image Server. Seth
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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Yes 5mars already posted that .pdf I also down loaded the software and tried it and it does not seem to do it either. Thanks for all the ideas. David
Bob Ennis
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I just tried the Image Converter, selecting multiple but non-sequential images & doing a CONVERT SELECTED. You're right..it does make them into an animation. I have to agree with you...they dropped the ball on this one. The was an aftermarket image converter made by somebody in Australia...I don't know too much about its capabilities, but it might be worth doing an internet search to see what it'll do.

Bob Ennis

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Its kinda funny, I have now downloaded the Kayak software to my personal pc only to find that it only will save either 1 image at a time manually, like the Kalypso SS loader, or into an animation. You can not convert multiple images into multiple .gvi's. I am kinda blown away that there is no solution to this issue, and being a new Grass user (Kalypso and Kayak), im suprised that this has not been at the top of everyones list. The fact that the Kalypso has 8 channels of still store is Awsome! The fact that it is very confusing and time consuming to set up seems ridiculous. David
Bob Ennis
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Another thing you could try is the Image Converter - this is part of the Kayak menu download. It is a really neat utility that lets you take sequential images & convert them into .gva/.gvi animations, as well as other formats. What little I have played with it was for creating animations out of TIFF sequences. For that I used the CONVERT ALL function. However, I saw a CONVERT SELECTED function - this may be a way (and I'm guessing here) to select multiple non-sequential images & batch convert them. The Image Converter software is part of the Kayak download on the thomson/gvg site. Just be careful...putting it on your computer makes your computer always boot up as if it were a DD side panel - I had to go into my Start Menu & get rid of that flag.

Bob Ennis

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I found this manual on the net, so there must be somewhere something that does what everybody is looking for. JP
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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I have already spoke with Grass the V15 does not do any kind of batch importing, when I spoke with them they refered me to this board for suggestions. Also the Password is at the top of the Readme file. David
User offline. Last seen 7 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
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Hello, The Stillstore is the same for Zodiak and Kalypso? Can I use the same version? And could you remember me the procedure to transform an animation sequence in tga with alpha channel to use it in Zodiak or Kalypso? Thank you, Enric
Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
From what I have read, the new v15 Still Store Loader should be able to help you. Unfortunately v15 download is being password protected, so it makes it difficult for freelancers who need this functionality to access it.

Bob Ennis