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Kalypso v.15 stills to thumbdrive?

9 replies [Last post]
Jeremy W
User offline. Last seen 11 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2005

This has probably been asked already, but couldn't find the thread. How do I copy my stills from the Kalypso to a thumbdrive? The truck I'm on doesn't have network access the the switcher.

Jeremy W
User offline. Last seen 11 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2005
Thanks for all the help guys.
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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Seth, I'm not using mismatched versions of software - I simply didn't plug in because I didn't have the time to make the changes. While the rest of the ESPN CFB world got two full set days, our truck rolled in at 4:00 on Friday - it was 5:30 by the time we got power and were ready to get started. I made the decision to stay with 15 only because it was a "one-and-done" show for me - but believe me, if I had the time I would have taken the switcher back to 14. I am not debating the improvements to the Still Store in 15.0 - it's a definite improvement. My questions surround only the new system for SS file transfer. And while the still store ops are much improved, there are many as yet unresolved issues with 15.0. In my opinion the SS upgrades do not override the problem of display and button tally lag, along with other documented issues. Hopefully 15.1 will be available soon and will have these corrected. Until then my NFL truck (and my laptop) will stay with 14.
John Howard Independent Technical Director Columbia, SC
Seth Madway
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[quote="JohnHowardSC"]My first show on 15 and my thumb drive was no where to be found as an accessible destination via the Image Server. One would think that the Save/Load subsection of the SS menu would still enable you to make these kinds of simple transfers. I'm curious as to why the change. I ended up exiting out of the menu and using the SS loader.[/quote] Although nothing is ever perfect, the Still Store operations in V15 are a major improvement over prior versions. If you set-up your laptop, or an external drive, as a Image Server you can easily transfer stills in/out of the SS Frame. [quote="JohnHowardSC"]I could've connected my laptop, but I'm still 14.0.1 there and really don't want to change until 15.1 comes out[/quote] I am curious why you wouldn't match your laptop version to the truck? I go back and forth between versions as needed. Any bugs are going to manifest themselves in the frame, not via Menu On PC. In fact, you can potentially be limiting yourself by using mismatched versions. Seth
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You can transfer your files by ftp. Plug your drive in one of the USB port of the menu panel. Minimize the Kalypso menu; open internet explorer and type ''ftp://123.456.789.123'' or whatever is your still store address. You should now have access to your still store folders and be able to copy them to your thumb drive. JP
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Jeremy, don't feel badly - I had the same issue over the weekend with 15.0.0. My first show on 15 and my thumb drive was no where to be found as an accessible destination via the Image Server. One would think that the Save/Load subsection of the SS menu would still enable you to make these kinds of simple transfers. I'm curious as to why the change. I ended up exiting out of the menu and using the SS loader. I could've connected my laptop, but I'm still 14.0.1 there and really don't want to change until 15.1 comes out - hopefully they'll make this process as simple as it used to be in future versions. JH
John Howard Independent Technical Director Columbia, SC
Jeremy W
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I've gotten that far, but when I try to copy onto my drive, I can't find it as a destination
Bob Ennis
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Yeah, that sounds like the new terminology for the way the still store is working. I believe that if you click on that DEFAULT and press OPEN, it'll go to the USER directory...either that or go UP one level to the USER...I know that I've seen it in the new menus.

Bob Ennis

Jeremy W
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I figured it would be that easy, but I can't seem to locate the Still Store drive in the menus. I go to STILLSTORE - IMAGE SERVER - the only location that shows up is "Default IP 192:168:0:22
Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
If you plug your thumb drive into the system (like into one of the 2 USB ports on the menu), your thumb drive will show up as another drive. Use the FILE OPS menu to copy from the Still Store drive to this new drive.

Bob Ennis