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Associating DMEs onto ME keys with snapshots

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Si's picture
User offline. Last seen 6 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Nov 2007

I've been using snapshots to store basic single keyframe DMEs (like 2 windows for interview etc) even when I store the M/E and the DME as a snapshot, the desk recalls the DMEs correctly, but doesn't recall the DMEs to the appropiate keys on the M/E.
I've checked there no crosspoint holds on the snapshot attributes, menu 6321.1

Any ideas how to have the DMEs go to the proper M/E?

Si's picture
User offline. Last seen 6 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Nov 2007
Thanks guys! The DME overide is now set, and the xpt hold was set so hopefully its sorted. And i'll try building the effect as a DME transition, makes it easier to feed the inputs!- haven't tried that yet! Muchos Gracias Si
Rick Edwards
User offline. Last seen 15 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
[quote="Morebier"]I've been using snapshots to store basic single keyframe DMEs (like 2 windows for interview etc) even when I store the M/E and the DME as a snapshot, the desk recalls the DMEs correctly, but doesn't recall the DMEs to the appropiate keys on the M/E. I've checked there no crosspoint holds on the snapshot attributes, menu 6321.1 Any ideas how to have the DMEs go to the proper M/E?[/quote] Make sure two things are turned on: 1. DME Override (Misc->Enable->DME Override) 2. Set your XPT Hod type to "XPT HOLD" instead of the likely "KEY DISABLE" (ENGR SETUP->SWITCHER->KEYER->XPT HOLD TYPE On #1, if DME override isn't set, then the DME channels will not change once they have been assigned to a keyer. On #2, if they XTP HOLD type is set to KEY DISABLE (which is the way it comes from the factory), then setting a XPT HOLD tells everything on the key not to change, including the DME assignments! If you set to only XPT HOLD then only the XPTs will not change and will allow the DMEs to assign and unassign themselves. RE
Matt Saplin
User offline. Last seen 3 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 29 Oct 2005
[quote="Morebier"]I've been using snapshots to store basic single keyframe DMEs (like 2 windows for interview etc) even when I store the M/E and the DME as a snapshot, the desk recalls the DMEs correctly, but doesn't recall the DMEs to the appropiate keys on the M/E. I've checked there no crosspoint holds on the snapshot attributes, menu 6321.1 Any ideas how to have the DMEs go to the proper M/E?[/quote] What I've found to be the easiest way to handle this situation, is to save your 2 box set-ups in the 200-299 registers, and recall them as DME transitions. As long as you have 2 consecutive DME channels, the switcher doesn't always need the same 2 that you used to store the original effect. This also allows you to feed each box using the PGM and PST sides of your ME, and the background comes from Util 2, or you can key the background over using one of your keyers (not sure how you guys run things). We have a variety of different 2 box set-ups where some of the boxes pull full, or squeeze back (depending on what they are being used for). There are a number of things to look for and to check when building these effects ... first, go to page 6114, and make sure that your effect is using 'P in P' or 'Dual' (can't remember what I used ... I think one changes how the background is handled, meaning where the effect will use the background from). If I were you, I'd probably just copy the effect that you already built in the DME into one of the registers in the 200's to see if it would work right away. You might also have to build it as a "global effect" ... I know that I did, since my boxes move and priorities change. When you recall the effect in your ME and use the DME transition to do it, you might need to adjust the Pattern Limit parameter of the DME wipe modifiers to set a start or end point (in ME-1, it's page 1164). If your boxes don't move, that probably won't be an issue for you at all. I hope that helps ... I can probably help a bit more when I'm near the switcher, so feel free to tell me that I wasn't clear enough, and I'll be more specific on Monday when I'm at the switcher again. Matt